There are seven major chakras:
Root – This chakra is the basis of survival. This chakra is highly concentrated on the physical and material world.
Spleen – This chakra is connected to our interpersonal and personal relationships. An imbalance of the spleen chakra may cause a lack of empathy or inability to feel a connection socially.
Solar Plexus – Connected to thought clarity. Intellectual advancement and focus can be achieved through the balancing of this chakra.
Heart – Love, relationships, marriage, as well as forgiveness and compassion towards others. This chakra is especially important when dealing with family, love relationships, and marriage.
Throat – Communication, ability to express oneself thoroughly.
Third Eye – Intuition and Psychic enhancement. This can be achieved by meditation, and other forms of spiritual awakening are connected with our Third Eye Chakra.
Crown – Enlightenment and collaboration between conscious and subconscious state to bring about a level of super consciousness.
Each Chakra rotates at a different speed and holds importance to your physical and spiritual wellbeing. If you suffer from an imbalance in chakras then it is likely you will feel listless, tired, anxious, or depressed. Each chakra is unique and the blockage of energy flow through a chakra could be disruptive to your life and wellbeing. It can lead to difficulty in decision making and travel down your life path. Many people suffering from a chakra blockage may feel that their position is stagnant, neither moving forward or backwards and often lose the motivation needed to change this. All chakras are interconnected therefore a block in a single chakra may affect the performance of all others.
For instance, Jennifer has a blockage of her Solar Plexus. This prevents clarity of thought and focus. Jennifer goes to work one morning for a company she recently started for and knows that there is a report she has to submit by a certain time. There were technical issues with the software she uses to generate the report but had trouble communicating this to technical support. She couldn't recall where the location of the problem was and spent an additional hour searching for it. Once technical support took care of the problem she began compiling the data into the system, this is when she realized she was missing data. Due to the technical setback she knew she would be submitting the report late but felt insecure about bringing this up to her supervisor. Coming back to work the next day her supervisor inquired about the report which she had not submitted. Jennifer was very nervous and anxious as she was going over the complications she had come across that very little of it made sense to her supervisor.
The problem mentioned above is a case of the imbalance of one chakra affecting the flow of another. She had difficulty in communicating (Throat Chakra) and informing her boss of the issues she was having with the report. She felt unprepared, nervous, confused, and depressed.
How can a Chakra Reading Benefit You?
Many psychics can see your chakras, your aura, and give you insight on the flow of the chakras. Each chakra should mature, rotate clockwise and become more receptive to metabolize universal energy. A psychic specializing in holistic healing may be able to give you insight you need by identifying blocked or slowed chakras and assist in balancing. Chakra readings could provide you with a deep profound understanding of who you are on many perspectives. The root of your life path, decision making, and karmic lessons are found in the swirling center of your chakras.
Root – This chakra is the basis of survival. This chakra is highly concentrated on the physical and material world.
Spleen – This chakra is connected to our interpersonal and personal relationships. An imbalance of the spleen chakra may cause a lack of empathy or inability to feel a connection socially.
Solar Plexus – Connected to thought clarity. Intellectual advancement and focus can be achieved through the balancing of this chakra.
Heart – Love, relationships, marriage, as well as forgiveness and compassion towards others. This chakra is especially important when dealing with family, love relationships, and marriage.
Throat – Communication, ability to express oneself thoroughly.
Third Eye – Intuition and Psychic enhancement. This can be achieved by meditation, and other forms of spiritual awakening are connected with our Third Eye Chakra.
Crown – Enlightenment and collaboration between conscious and subconscious state to bring about a level of super consciousness.
Each Chakra rotates at a different speed and holds importance to your physical and spiritual wellbeing. If you suffer from an imbalance in chakras then it is likely you will feel listless, tired, anxious, or depressed. Each chakra is unique and the blockage of energy flow through a chakra could be disruptive to your life and wellbeing. It can lead to difficulty in decision making and travel down your life path. Many people suffering from a chakra blockage may feel that their position is stagnant, neither moving forward or backwards and often lose the motivation needed to change this. All chakras are interconnected therefore a block in a single chakra may affect the performance of all others.
For instance, Jennifer has a blockage of her Solar Plexus. This prevents clarity of thought and focus. Jennifer goes to work one morning for a company she recently started for and knows that there is a report she has to submit by a certain time. There were technical issues with the software she uses to generate the report but had trouble communicating this to technical support. She couldn't recall where the location of the problem was and spent an additional hour searching for it. Once technical support took care of the problem she began compiling the data into the system, this is when she realized she was missing data. Due to the technical setback she knew she would be submitting the report late but felt insecure about bringing this up to her supervisor. Coming back to work the next day her supervisor inquired about the report which she had not submitted. Jennifer was very nervous and anxious as she was going over the complications she had come across that very little of it made sense to her supervisor.
The problem mentioned above is a case of the imbalance of one chakra affecting the flow of another. She had difficulty in communicating (Throat Chakra) and informing her boss of the issues she was having with the report. She felt unprepared, nervous, confused, and depressed.
How can a Chakra Reading Benefit You?
Many psychics can see your chakras, your aura, and give you insight on the flow of the chakras. Each chakra should mature, rotate clockwise and become more receptive to metabolize universal energy. A psychic specializing in holistic healing may be able to give you insight you need by identifying blocked or slowed chakras and assist in balancing. Chakra readings could provide you with a deep profound understanding of who you are on many perspectives. The root of your life path, decision making, and karmic lessons are found in the swirling center of your chakras.