Did You Know Mary's Heart Is Pierced With Thorns At Every Moment? In this article I'll be discussing how Mary's heart is pierced with thorns at 'every moment by ungrateful men'.
Specifically in this article I'll be covering the words of Jesus and Mary to Sr Lucia (one of the Fatima seers) spoken to her as a member of the enclosed Carmelites at Pontevedra, Spain in the 1920's and 1930's.
In December 1925, Jesus appeared as the Christ Child to Sr Lucia and said, 'Have compassion on the heart of your Most Holy Mother (Mary) covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to remove them.
' But why is Mary's heart pierced by ungrateful men? And if Mary's heart is pierced then Jesus' own heart must, as a consequence, be pierced too.
The thorns which pierce Mary's heart are sins.
It is sin that tears at the heart of Mary, born without original sin.
She is the Immaculate Conception (see the story of Lourdes and the Dogma on the Immaculate Conception).
What is Sin? Sin is a failure to love truly, to love God and others as ourselves.
Sin is selfishness that seeks its own way, disregarding the needs of others.
Mary herself explained to Sr Lucia what Jesus was speaking of in the same vision, Mary said, 'Look my daughter, at my Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude.
You at least try to console me..
' It is the blasphemies of men particularly against Mary's Immaculate Heart and the ingratitude of men for God's blessings and longsuffering patience with our sins that is causing Mary's heart to be pierced.
Think, that was many years ago now, nearly 100 years ago in fact.
Has sin decreased since then? It has increased exponentially.
So too, the pain i Mary's Heart must be significant for her children, in danger of being lost to the darkness.
Mary, who was always pure and humble was always aware of her need to praise and thank God for his goodness to her, 'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
' (Lk 1 46-55) Mary's whole life was a canticle of praise to the goodness and work of the Trinity in her life and soul and we are called to copy our spiritual mother in all things.
When we wound Mary's heart, we also wound God's heart, as insulting his mother is a serious insult and irreverence towards God.
Serious insults and irreverences towards God constitute serious blasphemy and it is a shame that even Christians do not love their mother but often ignore or even insult her, often in the Name of Christ.
Blasphemy increses in seriousness depending on the honour due to the person being blasphemed.
Next to God, there can be no creature more honoured than God's own Mother, Mary.
This fact was underlined by Jesus when he appeared to Sr Lucia in the 1930's after she had asked him for more details about the blasphemies that were offending Mary's heart.
Particular Sins of Blasphemy Against Mary's Heart When Sr Lucia in 1930, asked the Lord for more details concerning the blasphemies against Mary's heart, Jesus answered her in detail.
He highlighted in this vision to Sr Lucia how offensive these blasphemies against his Mother are and His eagerness to stop such sins.
Jesus explained to Sr Lucia the particular areas in which Mary is the most offended, listed in 5 main categories.
It is a heartbreaking fact that in the eighty years since this message was given to the world some of these blasphemies have become almost 'normal'.
Often under the false guise of intellectual pursuits, the arguments when studied against God's mother are intellectually groundless, they are also against right reason.
The five categories of blasphemy outlined by Jesus to Sr Lucia are:
These blasphemies, we need to remember, offend God deeply as we dishonour Mary, his chosen vessel of election in the process.
Mary told Sr Lucia, 'There are so many souls whom the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask for reparation: sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.
' These words of Our Lady should ring in our ears as we realise our duty to pray for souls who have offended God by offending his Blessed Mother.
In the above message, Mary then gave Sr Lucia a specific antidote to these offences of blasphemy, the 1stFive Saturdays Devotion, to which great graces are attached.
Through Catholics practising of the 1st Five Saturdays, Mary has obtained the grace of forgiveness for the unfortunate souls who have committed such offences and who repent before their death.
To underline the importance of the First Five Saturdays devotion, Jesus explained to Sr Lucia, 'My mercy is moved to forgive those souls who had the misfortune of offending her (Mary).
As for you (Sr Lucia), try without ceasing, with all your prayers and sacrifices, to move Me to mercy toward those poor souls.
' Mary told Sr Lucia that through this devotion she promised through God's grace, 'to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.
' The Lord grants us this heavenly antidote to assist souls in obtaining grace to repent by our prayers and sacrifices and also to console Mary's Heart which cries tears of blood at the loss of her children.
Specifically in this article I'll be covering the words of Jesus and Mary to Sr Lucia (one of the Fatima seers) spoken to her as a member of the enclosed Carmelites at Pontevedra, Spain in the 1920's and 1930's.
In December 1925, Jesus appeared as the Christ Child to Sr Lucia and said, 'Have compassion on the heart of your Most Holy Mother (Mary) covered with thorns, with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment, and there is no one to make an act of reparation to remove them.
' But why is Mary's heart pierced by ungrateful men? And if Mary's heart is pierced then Jesus' own heart must, as a consequence, be pierced too.
The thorns which pierce Mary's heart are sins.
It is sin that tears at the heart of Mary, born without original sin.
She is the Immaculate Conception (see the story of Lourdes and the Dogma on the Immaculate Conception).
What is Sin? Sin is a failure to love truly, to love God and others as ourselves.
Sin is selfishness that seeks its own way, disregarding the needs of others.
Mary herself explained to Sr Lucia what Jesus was speaking of in the same vision, Mary said, 'Look my daughter, at my Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude.
You at least try to console me..
' It is the blasphemies of men particularly against Mary's Immaculate Heart and the ingratitude of men for God's blessings and longsuffering patience with our sins that is causing Mary's heart to be pierced.
Think, that was many years ago now, nearly 100 years ago in fact.
Has sin decreased since then? It has increased exponentially.
So too, the pain i Mary's Heart must be significant for her children, in danger of being lost to the darkness.
Mary, who was always pure and humble was always aware of her need to praise and thank God for his goodness to her, 'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
' (Lk 1 46-55) Mary's whole life was a canticle of praise to the goodness and work of the Trinity in her life and soul and we are called to copy our spiritual mother in all things.
When we wound Mary's heart, we also wound God's heart, as insulting his mother is a serious insult and irreverence towards God.
Serious insults and irreverences towards God constitute serious blasphemy and it is a shame that even Christians do not love their mother but often ignore or even insult her, often in the Name of Christ.
Blasphemy increses in seriousness depending on the honour due to the person being blasphemed.
Next to God, there can be no creature more honoured than God's own Mother, Mary.
This fact was underlined by Jesus when he appeared to Sr Lucia in the 1930's after she had asked him for more details about the blasphemies that were offending Mary's heart.
Particular Sins of Blasphemy Against Mary's Heart When Sr Lucia in 1930, asked the Lord for more details concerning the blasphemies against Mary's heart, Jesus answered her in detail.
He highlighted in this vision to Sr Lucia how offensive these blasphemies against his Mother are and His eagerness to stop such sins.
Jesus explained to Sr Lucia the particular areas in which Mary is the most offended, listed in 5 main categories.
It is a heartbreaking fact that in the eighty years since this message was given to the world some of these blasphemies have become almost 'normal'.
Often under the false guise of intellectual pursuits, the arguments when studied against God's mother are intellectually groundless, they are also against right reason.
The five categories of blasphemy outlined by Jesus to Sr Lucia are:
- Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception of Mary i.
claims that Mary was not born without original sin. - Blasphemies against Mary's perpetual virginity.
Mary remained a virgin before, during and after childbirth through a miracolous intercession of the Lord (remember she was not under the curse of Eve's childbirth process). - Blasphemies against Mary's Divine Maternity and the refusal to recognise Mary as the mystical mother of men (all souls were entrusted to Mary at the foot of the Cross 'Behold thy Mother').
- Blasphemies of those who publicly seek to put into the hearts of children, indifference, scorn or disrespect and even hatred towards Mary.
- Blasphemies of those who outrage Mary directly in Her holy images.
(These images represent Mary on earth they are like the photos we keep of loved ones, not 'idols' that are 'worshipped' as some falsely claim, this would be a serious sin against the 1st commandment!).
Such arguments against statues etc are false and are not of God.
They mostly proceed from ignorance and/or pride.
These blasphemies, we need to remember, offend God deeply as we dishonour Mary, his chosen vessel of election in the process.
Mary told Sr Lucia, 'There are so many souls whom the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask for reparation: sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.
' These words of Our Lady should ring in our ears as we realise our duty to pray for souls who have offended God by offending his Blessed Mother.
In the above message, Mary then gave Sr Lucia a specific antidote to these offences of blasphemy, the 1stFive Saturdays Devotion, to which great graces are attached.
Through Catholics practising of the 1st Five Saturdays, Mary has obtained the grace of forgiveness for the unfortunate souls who have committed such offences and who repent before their death.
To underline the importance of the First Five Saturdays devotion, Jesus explained to Sr Lucia, 'My mercy is moved to forgive those souls who had the misfortune of offending her (Mary).
As for you (Sr Lucia), try without ceasing, with all your prayers and sacrifices, to move Me to mercy toward those poor souls.
' Mary told Sr Lucia that through this devotion she promised through God's grace, 'to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.
' The Lord grants us this heavenly antidote to assist souls in obtaining grace to repent by our prayers and sacrifices and also to console Mary's Heart which cries tears of blood at the loss of her children.