- See You at the Pole is a nationwide ministry to campuses that sets aside one morning a year before school starts for students from all denominations to gather to pray for their schools and classmates and share their faith. However, not all campuses allow church leaders to initiate this event. Finding students willing to promote and conduct this rally is key to its success on any campus, whether college or elementary level. Wristbands, fliers, a worship band and T-shirts all help to promote this annual ministry.
- With any campus, it is important to understand and support the students. To support them, a ministry leader must first know them. If the school is athletically driven, a program such as Fellowship of Christian Athletes is beneficial. Fellowship of Christian Athletes provides a safe and encouraging environment for young athletes to both express and grow in their beliefs. If the school is largely arts driven, an equivalent program for those in fine arts is beneficial. This ministry would also give students with similar issues a place to share their beliefs.
- Non-denominational worship services also advance campus ministry. Texas A&M in College Station, Texas, hosts Breakaway Ministries, a weekly Bible-study designed to reach the campus and share Christ. Paradigm is a non-denominational Bible study hosted by First Baptist Church Lubbock for the Texas Tech University campus and surrounding colleges. Students have the opportunity to interact with other students, engage in study and music, and ask questions they may have about Christianity.
- Free food is the love language of every student on every campus. The Baptist Student Ministry through Texas Tech hosts pancakes in the park, free lunch Thursday, ninety-nine-cent steak night,and similar food events. Local churches coordinate and provide meals and free food in a relaxed environment, allowing students the opportunity to check out a particular ministry without the pressure or obligation to follow up if they are uninterested. Free food always attracts a large crowd and is a beneficial ministry tool on campuses.
See You at the Pole
Fellowship of Christian Athletes/Artists
Worship Service
Free Food