Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening

We just concluded our family home evening for the week. With five children, five and under, it is not always fully reverent, but it was worth it tonight. I listened in astonishment as my oldest boy, w

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation will knock your socks off! Great way to tune in while you amble along. This 'simple skill' can help you to quickly step out of stress. Get started now and develop some latent potent

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Should Religion Stay in the Pledge?

Should Religion Stay in the Pledge?

Can you still remember all of the words to the Pledge of Allegiance?Most of us recited the pledge every single school day from Kindergarten all the way through the sixth grade.Some junior high and high schools also required a daily flag salute and the recitation.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Essence Of The Guru Gita

The Essence Of The Guru Gita

The Guru Gita has one of the most brilliant openings of any scripture: Siva, third member of the Hindu trinity, annihilator of ignorance and ultimately of creation, is in his heaven surrounded by saints and sages. Seeing him bow to the ground before someone in the group, his wife Parvathi asks, &quo

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Italian Charms

Italian Charms

Italian charms charms that are associated with spirituality and healing.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Christians and Self Defense

Christians and Self Defense

It's a question that many people have asked. As a Christian, is it right for me to defend myself? We think about scripture that instructs us to "love thy neighbor" and "turn the other cheek". ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Psychic Reading: Understanding the Psychic Empath

Psychic Reading: Understanding the Psychic Empath

Psychic Empaths are individuals who can sense or feel the emotions of others. They can also experience the same emotions or sensations that someone else is experiencing. Their true gift lies in their

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Bible Contradictions, Errors and Inconsistencies

Bible Contradictions, Errors and Inconsistencies

It has been said that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Well, that's according to the maximalists, believing every word of the Bible to be true, while minimalists maintain the opposite. Here are some examples of what's said to be those irreconcilable Bible contradictions, errors and i

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: 10 Reasons To Submit To God Today

10 Reasons To Submit To God Today

Why should you submit to God? What would you gain by submitting to God? There are two forces operating on earth – the good and the bad. And whichever force you submit to controls your life, (Romans 6:

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Mirror of Self Love

The Mirror of Self Love

The Mirror of Self Love opens a new avenue of understanding one's life. It gives you different perspective of situations affecting us. The more we understand ourself the more we will understa

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: The Meaning to Death

The Meaning to Death

Meaning to Death We are creatures who relentlessly seek meaning to our existence. Why are we born? What meaning is there in suffering? What is God's will for me? I watched a documentary recently on ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Beware the Ides of March!

Beware the Ides of March!

March 15th is known as the Ides of March, and seems to come with dire warnings attached. Is this really an unlucky day for everyone, or just a bad time to be a Roman emperor?

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Look Up - The Older Brother Syndrome

Look Up - The Older Brother Syndrome

But he answered and said to his father, "Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours; and yet you have never given me a ...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!

Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!

With Israel's rejection of their 1967 miracle, how can God continue to bless them with freedom? Have Israeli leaders sold out to EU interests? Will Jerusalem be forcibly divided?