Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Mirror of Self Love

I always had a deep revulsion to mirrors.

The only time I would look at one was when I had to comb my hair, and that too I did it very fast and in a flash.

We have a very huge wall mirror near the entrance door of our house. Anybody coming in and moving out of the house has to pass by the massive reflector. The stairways heading to the library upstairs is fully reflected in the mirror, anybody coming down from the stairs can see himself in action to downstairs.

So you can imagine my stand here. I have to go countless time to the library upstairs and out of the house to do my errands. Each time I am on the move I have to pass this huge enemy of my mine stuck majestically on the pallid wall.

I didn't understand why I was so energetically reversed to seeing myself in the mirror.

Why was I so afraid looking at a mirror?

What had I read in my reflection that I dint want to accept and face?


The eyes are the most important organ of our body. In the physical realm the eyes function as medium to perceive the external environment. The rays coming from our environment enters our eyes and the brain decodes this rays. This all process of perceiving our external environment is known as SEE-ING

Now that was eyes on the Physical realm. Let's see how the eyes function on the Spirit realm.

Have you ever been caught red handed doing something which you were not supposed to do?

What could be more tragic that after being caught you have to face your catcher's questions?

You must have noticed that you can't face that person directly eye to eye.

Even when answering his questions your gaze will be either sideways or down but not locked with the gaze of your catcher.

 Do you know why you unconsciously act like this?

 The answer is very simple.

 The eyes are the windows to your consciousness in the Spirit realm. The reason you can't lock your gaze with those of your catcher is because you can't ‘take in' the rays of spiritual light emanating from the catcher's eye.

Why can't you ‘take in' his spiritual light?

The main reason being that your own vibration have gone way down, with emotions such as guilt and shame, on being caught doing things which you should have not been doing. So when his spiritual energy emanating from his eyes, which is much higher in vibration to yours, target your eyes you look away to deflect his spiritual energy.

The law of energy states the higher frequency energy rules the lower frequency energy. In other words an evolved person rules the un-evolved person. A saint has many disciples and followers because of his high vibrations.

Let us look into another example. Imagine if you are accused of something which you had not done. At the time of interrogation and questioning you answer all the questions asked with confidence and on an eye to eye level. You look directly into the eyes of your questioner and answer his question. This time the spiritual light emanating from both the concerned people are the same. That's why they can talk eye to eye.

If you have seen a movie about Vampires I am sure you must have noticed how the Vampire looks into the eyes of its prey, chaining it with its demonic energy emanating from its eyes. His demonic energy makes you stranded and unable to move.

Have you seen how a small kid cries after seeing a bad dream or imaginary ghost in the bedroom? Have you seen how the mother comes down to the eye level of the kid and soothes the kid with assurance and love?

We can know a lot by looking directly into people's eyes when interacting with them.

How much self confidence do they have about their ideas they are sharing with you?

Are they hiding something from you?

Can they be counted upon?

Eyes can really give you away.

Have you ever wondered why people go to funerals with black glasses? Of course they don't want to make a style statement but they want to hid their eyes behind a barrier so that the energy emanating from the mourning people doesn't affect him and they don't want to be seen expressing the emotion of loss by crying near a crowd of people.


It was only when I had gone deeply into self development did I come to realize how much my being was filled with self loathing.

Despite several petitions to God and being fervently involved in prayers I couldn't shake off these feeling of impending doom which I project to every person I meet unconsciously.

In fact the feeling of gloom had intensified after starting the spiritual practices.

Later I came out to discover that this process is called Spiritual detoxification. It comes about when we consciously open our selves to higher energies. Higher frequencies like gratitude and appreciation create short term turmoil in the energy body. This process can be compared to fasting.

When we go a short term fast the body goes into a detoxification mode and removes any thing from the body which hinders health. The natural state of the body is health. In the state of fasting the digestive system is under rest, and the energy which was consumed in digesting and assimilating food is now free to concentrate on tasks such as cleaning and healing of the body.  

In Spiritual detoxification the energy body removes cobwebs of emotions which hinder proper circuiting of energy to the whole spirit. These emotions could be decade or a moment old. All emotions not dealt with consciously are stored in a storehouse of the subconscious mind. In spiritual detoxifications the surface emotions are fast to go out followed by much lower frequency energies. The lower the frequencies rage of the emotion the much deeper place it occupies in the subconscious mind.

Anger is always at the surface while fear resides deeper into the recess of the subconscious.

People who practice the attitude of gratitude and appreciation for the first time may not notice much progress in their feelings of these high frequencies energy. Before these energies can circuit through our energy body the energy channels have to be cleared of all remnant and stuck emotional withheld therein. That is the reason people feel on the low tides as these higher energies start house cleaning.

Being in the state of constant gratitude is one of the highest achievements one can strive for in their spiritual practices. These higher energies not only upgrade our energy circuiting abilities but also expand our consciousness as gratitude and appreciation become our state of being

Initially when practicing gratitude exercises I would temporarily dip low in energy for a few hours and sometimes days as the energy body adjusted itself to the higher frequencies. Then there will days of untold bliss and then comes another dip as lower energies move out and the higher energies move in.

Another very good exercise which helped the mirrors to be my friends is the mirror exercise. This powerful exercise gives you instant results. I will show you how to proceed with the exercise at the end of the newsletter.


My first experience with the mirror experience was during my days when I had left my financial management job, and had taken unnumbered days of vacation of just plain brooding and thinking about what to do next.

It took me more than three months to reach a decision. These three months were of intense emotional detoxification. Family and friends were not much of a help. So there was not much of support at sight. Nevertheless these three months were the most important phase in my spiritual life.

I would spend my days with watching TV endlessly and stuffing myself with all the food inside the fridge.

I was so out of sync that it didn't matter if the world ended the next day.

Sleep evaded me.

All I had was my depressing thoughts.

On one such night I decided I had enough of watching TV. I went to my bedroom and decided to sort out my little library I had made in one section of my wardrobe. So out came all the books. I kept them on my bed and start skimming through each of them. There was one book which I had bought but never really gotten myself to finish it. The book was about emotional freedom.

I read the back cover and thought that this book was what I needed most right now. I stacked the rest of the books neatly in my wardrobe and sat with this one on my armchair.

From the armchair to my bed, from my bed to the kitchen table, from the kitchen table back to my bed, I kept on changing places until I finished skimming through the book. I was awake the rest of the night trying to digest what I had read.

Could it be true what I had just finished reading?

Well, the only way to find out was to follow the advice given in the book.


The most important concept I had learnt that night was that the world was your mirror in which you see your reflection.

We all know that a reflection is an exact replica of your image on the reflecting surface. If you stand near a mirror, it will give you your physical reflection as you are at that moment. If you are wearing a blue shirt, your reflected image will also be wearing a blue shirt. If you touch your nose, your reflection will show the same action simultaneously. One important factor to note here is that the time factor does not exist between you and your reflected image. What you do is instantly reflected in your reflected in the mirror.

Its not like if you raise you raise your hand your reflected image will reflect this action after ten seconds or after two minutes. It happens instantaneously. Change your action and your reflected image will do the same simultaneously. No time factor exists between you and your reflected image in the mirror.

Now the mirror at your home reflects your physical image, what about your spiritual image? Where would you go to see your spiritual image?

You don't have to go anywhere.

Yes, you heard me right. You don't have to move an inch from where you are to see your spiritual image.

The reflections of your spiritual self exist in several mirrors at the same time. In fact, you can't miss your spiritual self reflection even a single moment unlike the mirror at your home in which you can see your physical image only if you stand in front of it. The spiritual mirrors have no such restriction and rules.

So where are all these spiritual mirrors situated?

There are around eight billion people on this planet. All these people are your spiritual mirrors in where you see the reflection of your spiritual self. What do all these people reflect to you? Is it:
  1. Fear of recession?
  2. Fear of Terrorism?
  3. Fear of Global extinction? (Global warming)
  4. Fear of Disease? (Mass vaccination like Swine flu)

 Note down how much you have been affected by the mass spiritual vibration of the whole planet. Are you an avid reader of newspapers? How does that affect your spiritual vibrations when you read all those rape cases, ethnic fights, famine and bloodshed?

Let's move to a small unit of spiritual mirrors – your family. What does your family reflect to you? What do your parents reflect to you? Your brother, whom you never liked?  

What do you reflect to your family?

How is your relation with your mother?

What do you reflect to her?

Is it love?

Is it fear?

Is it hatred?

What about your father?

Is it rebellion?

What about that sister whom you never liked?

Do you hate her for her frankness?

You can know so much about yourself through your relationship.

Each individual you come in contact with reflects a part of you. If the relationship between you and your mother is that of love and respect then know that the seeds of love and respect are inside you and your mother too. The reason behind this tranquil relation is there is no hindrance in receiving and reflecting back the love and respect between the two.

Now imagine the son socializes with a peer group who are into stealing and looting. After some time the mother comes to discover the condition of the son and confronts him. The son does not listen to her and talks to her as if he is addressing a waitress of a restaurant. What has happened to the seeds of love and respect which was inside him? Have they been destroyed? Why can't the mother find the same reflection of his son as it was previously?

The seed of love and respect is very much present in the son. There is a hindrance which is making the reflection of love and respect not to be reflected back to his mother and the mothers love not to be reflected to him. The hindrance is the dark energy of misdeeds, in this case that of looting and stealing, which has covered the seeds of love and respect.

The mother has to counteract this dark energy by being patient and being aware of his son's condition. The mother's unconditional love and support will eventually break the dark energy's hold on his son and with time will be transmuted into repentance and expansion of consciousness. The mother and son will eventually be able to reflect each other's love and respect even more deeply and unconditionally.


After understanding the concept of spiritual mirrors on that night, I made a listing of all my assumed problems at that point of my life. Here is an extract of some of the entries from my 2007 Journal

  1. What do my clothes reflect about me? Why do I always want to wear Jeans and T-shirt? Why am I not comfortable with new clothes?
  2. Why don't I want to mingle with people? Why does crowd make me go bananas?
  3. What about my friends? Friends? I discovered I didn't even have a single friend but I had a lot acquaintance.
  4. What does my food reflect to me? I love fried food, colas and chocolates
  5. What does my hobbies reflect about me? I love reading and music
  6. What does my traveling for holidays reflect about me?
  7. What does my time portioning reflect about me?

My Family
  1. What does my relation with my mother reflect about me?
  2. What does my relationship with my brothers reflect about me?
  3. What does my relationship with my sisters reflect about me?
  4. What does my relationship with my uncle and aunts reflect about me?
  5. What does my relationship with my relatives reflect about me?
  6. What does my relationship with my nephews and nieces reflect about me?
  7. What does my relationship with the house servants and maid reflect about me?

My Workplace
  1. What does my relationship with my senior reflect about me?
  2. What does my relationship with my junior reflect about me?
  3. What does my relationship with my office timing reflect about me?
  4. What does my relationship with my office duties reflect about me?
  5. What does my relationship with my boss reflect about me?

My Friends
  1. What does my relationship with my friends reflect about me?
  2. What does the number of friends I have reflect about me?

  1. What does my relationship with nature reflect about me?
  2. What does my relationship with my garden reflect about me?
  3. What does my relationship with my pets reflect about me?
  4. What does my relationship with organic food and fruits reflect about me?

My neighbours
  1. What does my relationship with my neighbours reflect about me?

Finding answers to the above questions lead to the quest of Self discovery. I came to discover myself more and more as I kept doing the exercises for months and months and I still continue doing them.

Sometimes the process can be very over whelming as you keep on digging and finding just more mud and clay. I had days when I would have days when I wanted to tear up my journal and stop all this crazy interrogation against myself, and then there were days when I would see noticeable improvement that I didn't want to stop these exercises.

The most important tool which helped me in the spiritual mirror was EFT (EmotionalFreedom Technique). You can find more about this emotional freedom technique from the internet.


The most important science of understanding your spiritual nature is Astrology.

Before exploring the topic of Astrology lets define the term "Spirit."

We will define Spirit in a metaphysical sense.

Spirit is a collective word referring to three things. These are
  1. The Conscious mind
  2. The Subconscious mind
  3. The entire network of channels circuited entirely through out the body

Spirit is the energetic side of us.

The way we have a nose as a part of our body we have an energetic nose as a part of our energy body (Spirit).

The same applies to your buttocks, your thighs, your stomach, your eyes, your hands etc for which there is an exact energetic double of it.

 This entire energy body is also known as the Astral body

 It's also known as the Spirit body

 And it's also called the Soul

 Now take note here.

 Listen carefully so that you don't confuse yourself.

 There is a difference between the Spirit we have defined (composed of 3 parts) and the Spirit body.

 The Spirit body is like your physical body. The only difference is that physical body is composed of atoms while the Spirit body is composed of light waves.

 The brain controls the physical body.

 The Spirit (mind and its network of channels) governs the Spirit body.

 We can also refer the Spirit as the mind.

 Astrology divides the Spirit into four broad categories:
  1. Air
  2. Fire
  3. Water
  4. Earth


The Air Spirits are correlated with the mind sensation, perception and expression, especially related to personal interaction and to geometrical thought forms and abstract ideas. The Zodiac signs falling into the Air Spirit are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius


The Fire Spirit expresses warming, radiating, energizing life principle which can manifest as enthusiasm, faith, encouragement and the drive to express self. The Zodiac sign signs falling into the Fire Spirit are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


The Water Spirit symbolizes the cooling, healing principle of sensitivity, feeling response and empathy with others. The Zodiac signs falling under the umbrella of the Water Spirit are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


The Earth Spirit reveals an attunement with the world of physical forms and a practical ability to utilize and improve the material world. The Zodiac signs falling under the umbrella of the Earth Spirit are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

(Inspired from the book Stephen Arroyo's Chart interpretation Handbook)

My spirit came under the umbrella of the Water Spirit.

My major spiritual work was working with my Emotions.

One's Spirit is further programmed by other planets in our solar system. The general umbrella of Air, Fire, Water and Earth is further tailored to such uniqueness that each spirit's umbrella is unique compared to the next one. This sort of programming is referred to as Destiny. You can read more about this programming in my newsletter titled Destiny at

Getting a horoscope reading from a good Astrologer can help your spiritual growths by leaps and bounds. It can reveal the following:
  1. 1.      Your Energy body type
  2. 2.      Your talents
  3. 3.      Your weak areas
  4. 4.      Your strong areas
  5. 5.      Your disposition to subjects like relation, money, partners etc

Astrology, Emotional Freedom technique and EmoTrance helped me most in understanding my spiritual nature. It helped me emphasize my talents and downplay my imperfections. A good example I can give you is about my doubting nature. I was not surprised that the planet Saturn was in my House of creativity, the fifth house.

Understanding that I would always ground off my doubts with techniques like EFT and

EmoTrance before starting any new work. It goes even with writing my newsletters. Whenever I start writing a fresh newsletter I get thoughts like these:
  1. Who will read your silly newsletter? You never got any comments on the last one.
  2. You don't have time to write on such a vast topic
  3. This is a hard topic.
  4. How can you write about sexuality, you pervert!

I always ground these thoughts when sitting to do my writing works.


The most important element in any self development or spiritual practice is the concept of Acceptance.

Accepting your share of life with all your heart and soul is the true road to happiness and contentment. Acceptance removes all negativity from our lives and transmutes it to peace and tranquility.

So what really is acceptance?

Acceptance is your conscious decision to be aware of something as it is, with no drawbacks.

Acceptance springs from the conscious mind.

Whatever you don't accept and don't want to deal with at the moment goes directly to your subconscious mind. It remains in the subconscious mind and joins other energies of the same frequencies in there. It remains lodged in the subconscious mind until you are ready to deal with it consciously without any judgements.

Let me give you an example.
  • You go to the dining room and see your breakfast is not ready. You scowl with anger and accuse your wife of being lazy and good for nothing.
  • You find a heavy traffic jam on your way to work and get frustrated.
  • At your work desk you realize that you had forgotten your wallet at the dinning table. You swear at your stupidity

 As you can see from the above examples how lack of acceptance breeds lower emotions and judgement.

 Before making any decisions and judgments about something, look into the following facts:
  1. Have you accepted all the facts as they are?
  2. Is your decision based on some lingering emotion?

 If you have not accepted the facts, your decision is likely to take you to a path of emotional grieving and confusion, and if its based on some previous lingering emotions you will reap nothing apart from pain and frustration

The best tool for acceptance and self love is EFT. In EFT we speak out consciously our problem in a statement form and at the same time we tap a number of energy points of the body which creates the needed shift we are looking for.

For example, if I am angry with my boss for not appreciating my efforts and good work I can make the statement as follows:

Even though my boss doesn't appreciate my work I deeply and completely accept myself

Even though I am angry at my boss I deeply and completely accept myself

Even though all my hard work and effort went unnoticed I deeply and completely accept myself

The above statements accept the situation as it was and it also keeps the self confidence (self love) intact despite the accumulation of negative energies such as anger which are grounded by the technique as they arise.

We can't change anything we don't love. If you want to change a habit, your nature or influence a person the most vital step is to accept the problem as it is. If you have a problem of heavy drinking the first step is to accept that you have a problem. Acceptance removes the garb of "badness" from a situation, giving you access to a right situation of mind without any emotional coating.

How much self love you have got for yourself will determine the value you put on yourself. Lack of self love and acceptance are the major reasons for depression and most psychological diseases. Even most maladies like high blood pressure and ulcers stems from the foundation where self love is lacking.

The lack of self love will make you hold grudges and lower energies like hate, pride and revenge.

The lack of self love will make you focus on mediocre issues

The lack of self love will make you sabotage your own progress

So, how do we increase our self worth?

The first thing I advice is to clean your entire energy system. Get hold of all your emotions you remember, good or bad, and press the DELETE button of your energy system on them. This will give you around  60% relief on all your problems. It will also enable you to think properly without any lingering emotions. In EFT we have an exercise called Personal Peace Procedure, where you work on one single problem per day. After three months you have removed around ninety psychological or energy related problem from your energy system.

The second thing I advice is to practice self awareness through out the day. Your emotional system will provide you a feedback on what issues you need to work on. For example, during the course of the day if you got angry or frustrated you need to work on the seeds which are reflecting these lower energies. The seeds could be incidents from your past which are lodged into your mind or it could be some obstruction in the energy system which needs to be looked upon.


This exercise will open up new dimensions to understanding yourself.

Remember I had explained that the eyes are your windows to your consciousness?

This exercise will reveal how much self love you have for yourself as you look at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes will emanate the spiritual energy of your consciousness at your reflection. If the spiritual energy contains lower energy frequencies such as anger, guilt, sadness etc you will know your reactions as you turn away from your reflection or contort your face with disgust or think thoughts like "you devil". If your spiritual energy from your consciousness emanates higher energies such as gratitude, appreciation, joy etc you will be "glued" to your reflection or smile at your reflection.

So, are you ready for the exercise?

Find a full length mirror where you can see your full reflection. (I will suppose that you are aware of how to work with your energies with tools like EmoTrance and EFT. If not, log on to the internet and find out then proceed with the exercise)

The steps are as follows:
  1. Look deeply into the eyes of your reflected image. What do you feel? Do you feel any emotions? Diffuse these emotions. Note your thoughts and memories which arise. After diffusing those emotions, is there any change in your feelings and thoughts?
  2. Move your attention to your nose now? What do you feel about it? Note your thoughts and memories which arise connected to you nose. Maybe somebody in the past had commented that you had an ugly nose or a big nose. Work on that memory and diffuse all the energies surrounding that incident.
  3. Next move to your mouth. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  4. Next move to your ears. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  5. Next move to your face. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  6. Next move to your neck. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  7. Next move to your torso. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  8. Next move to your hands. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  9. Next move to your palms. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  10. Next move to your stomach. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  11. Next move to your buttocks. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2
  12. Next move to your legs. Follow the same guidelines for No. 1 & 2

 I hope you enjoy the exercise and keep cultivating more love and self acceptance for yourself
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