Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Family Home Evening

This is your Daily Devotional for April 2, 2014

1 Nephi 1:1

I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days.

We just concluded our family home evening for the week.  With five children, five and under, it is not always fully reverent, but it was worth it tonight. I listened in astonishment as my oldest boy, who is five, recited the story of the healing of the paralytic, found in Mark chapter two.  He told me of the story where those carrying the stricken man, removed the roof so the Master could heal him. He rehearsed it in great detail and showed such excitement!

It is clear to me that the responsibility of teaching the Gospel to children rests upon parents. Family home evening is a fantastic tool to help teach the Gospel in a semiformal way. In our home we do it through reenactments of events found in the Scriptures, reading, stories, movies, walks around Temple Square, and my favorite, through song. Primary once a week is not enough. The teaching of Gospel truths must begin at home and reinforced by example.

Speaking of family home evening, President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "If you have any doubt about the virtue of family home evening, try it. Gather your children about you, teach them, bear testimony to them, read the scriptures together and have a good time together."

Whether in the past you have not been perfect in your home, like us, about having family home evening each week, there is no better time than this week to start. Just "try it", it will yield great returns.

Families Can Be Together Forever

I have a family here on earth.

They are so good to me.

I want to share my life with them through all eternity.

While I am in my early years,

I'll prepare most carefully,

So I can marry in God's temple for eternity.

Fam'lies can be together forever

Through Heav'nly Father's plan.

I always what to be with my own family,

And the Lord has shown me how I can.

The Lord has shown me how I can.
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