Pets & Animal: 3 Things That Every Pet Owner Should Know About Overweight Cats

3 Things That Every Pet Owner Should Know About Overweight Cats

Just like human beings, cats too can become obese and overweight. It is one of the common cat health problems and many cats in the US suffer from this condition. If left on its own, this disease can create other health problems such as heart attacks and arthritis. In case you have an overweight cat

Pets & Animal: An Odor Free Cat Litter Box For Your Family Feline

An Odor Free Cat Litter Box For Your Family Feline

So just how can you determine what a 'good' cat litter box is?You might think that the more you spend the better the product, but that's not always the case as you can actually shell out for cosmetic designs, and I'm darned if I'd pay extra for a pretty cat toilet.No, the ol

Pets & Animal: How to Adopt an Exotic Shorthair Cat

How to Adopt an Exotic Shorthair Cat

According to The Cat Fancier's Association (see references), the Exotic Shorthaired cat is an ideal breed for Persian cat lovers, because it meets the standards of a Persian in every way except that it has a much shorter fur coat that doesn't shed as much. It also doesn't require the daily grooming

Pets & Animal: Why Your Cat Needs A Cat Tree

Why Your Cat Needs A Cat Tree

Every kid loves a tree house. Your cat is a like a child to you, so why wouldn't you want to give her the toy of her dreams? Cat trees, cat tree houses, kitty condos - they go by various names - but they all mean fun for kitty.

Pets & Animal: House Plants Safe For Cats - Are They Worth the Fuss?

House Plants Safe For Cats - Are They Worth the Fuss?

Lately I have been hearing lots of talk about house plants safe for cats and as a cat lover this has peaked my interested. After all, I love my cats just as much as the next person does. OK, lets me honest. I probably love my cats a little bit more than the average person but that is beside the poin

Pets & Animal: Kitten Development From Birth To 12 Weeks Of Age

Kitten Development From Birth To 12 Weeks Of Age

Birth- Kittens normally weigh in between 3.0 and 3.5 oz. Smaller kittens have lower chances at survival. And I have found larger Persian kittens tend to also have difficult surviving. I believe it is related to the moms have more difficult birthing a larger kitten with a larger head, and that cuts o

Pets & Animal: Turkey Meal Defined by AAFCO

Turkey Meal Defined by AAFCO

Read the AAFCO definition of turkey meal and additional facts about cat food ingredients

Pets & Animal: Senior Cats Picture Gallery: Chaos

Senior Cats Picture Gallery: Chaos

If we are very lucky, all of our cats who share our homes will become seniors, and they will share long and happy lives with us. Senior cats are very wise and teach us lessons in acceptance as they stoicly accept their frailties, along with the ministrations of those who love them and are loved by t

Pets & Animal: How to Determine That Your Cat Has an Allergy

How to Determine That Your Cat Has an Allergy

Animals do have allergies. I have had cats for 40 years and some have allergies to grass. Some have allergies to chemicals. There are a lot of things and my cats also have allergies to some foods. So watch your cats for some signs of allergies such as sneezing, itching, chewing on themselves and bal

Pets & Animal: Treating Gum Disease in Kittens

Treating Gum Disease in Kittens

DiagnosisUsually gum disease, also known as gingivitis, occurs in older cats. But just because you own a kitten does not mean that she cannot get gingivitis. The condition is known as juvenile-onset gingivitis and can occur in any breed of kitten, although it is more common in purebred...

Pets & Animal: Black Cats Picture Gallery 2: Hansel and Gretel

Black Cats Picture Gallery 2: Hansel and Gretel

October has almost always been known as Black Cat Month, and our cats picture galleries would not be complete without photos of sleek black cats. Indeed, black cats have an avid following year-round.Enjoy these photos of these "home-grown panthers" and if you are fortunate enough to share

Pets & Animal: Can You Really Get Your Cat to Emotionally Bond With You?

Can You Really Get Your Cat to Emotionally Bond With You?

Like getting attached to human beings, you can also become emotionally attached to your pets, especially your cat. This is because cats express a lot of love for their owners. They like to rub themselves against and cuddle with their owners, making them feel loved and cared for.

Pets & Animal: Cat Nutrition 101

Cat Nutrition 101

This recent epidemic of contaminated pet food has made me think of putting all my cats on a homemade diet.As a result of this thought I decided to do a bit of research on cat nutrition and what a cat needs in its diet.The results I have found have led me to believe I will leave well enough alone; an

Pets & Animal: 2009 January Blue Cats Picture Gallery: Alexi

2009 January Blue Cats Picture Gallery: Alexi

January epitomizes the winter season with snow, sleet, and ice. Our pictures of silver and solid blue cats reflect the colors of icicles hanging from the roof, frozen ponds, and the cool blue color of the sky. Enjoy our January blue cats pictures, whose soft, warm, cuddly appearances belie the cold

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Sally Roo

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Sally Roo

Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: Kittens and Irritated Eye Membranes

Kittens and Irritated Eye Membranes

Kittens often have irritation of the eye membranes. This is called conjunctivitis and is caused by inflammation of the membranes surrounding the eye. A major cause of conjunctivitis is infectious organisms that attack the eye.

Pets & Animal: When a Dog Sheds Too Much While Brushing

When a Dog Sheds Too Much While Brushing

For many breeds of dogs, shedding is normal. Dogs shed coats from routine activity and during warmer seasons of the year. They also shed when groomed and brushed. However, excess shedding during brushing may signal a problem.