- If a dog sheds too much when brushed, it may indicate that the dog is not groomed frequently enough. Routine grooming and brushing helps to reduce shedding and promote healthy growth, since it cleans and softens the coat. The regularity of grooming depends on the breed of the dog. Most dogs require grooming at least twice a year.
- Over-shedding during brushing may be remedied with regular baths and the right shampoo. Bathe your dog at least once a weak. Immediately bathe him when he comes inside after playing in mud or other dirt. Use a gentle oatmeal shampoo, which helps to rejuvenate the coat and prevent dry skin.
- Pet's coats are reflective of their diet. Excess shedding may be caused by improper diet or malnutrition. Feed your dog a high quality food that is high in fiber and digestible protein. Feed him a fatty acid supplement to keep the coat healthy. Wait several weeks for the nutrients to be absorbed into the system. If poor diet was the cause of excess shedding, you will see an improved coat within a month.
- Over-shedding during grooming may be a sign of a serious health problem, such as thyroid imbalance, or a minor health problem that affects the skin and coat. If you notice that your dog is shedding excessively around the house as well, it is recommended that you consult a veterinarian. Allergies and fleas can also cause dogs to shed excessively when brushed, since excessive scratching damages the coat and weakens the coat. See your veterinarian for allergy relief or flea protection.