Annette King describes her first meeting with Josie: "Josie is our first black cat. We weren't looking to adopt another cat -- she found us. While we were out for the day, she found a quiet spot in our back yard and fell asleep. When we got home, she decided hubby and I would do as her new family. (Her original people seemed to have abandoned her because she on the mommy track.)"
"Josie was a sweet overnight house-guest, so I felt like I'd betrayed her trust when I handed her over to our local humane society.
She was fostered, and her all-black, all-girl litter swiftly found homes. We adopted Josie. She turned out to be bossy and opinionated but we love her!"
Josie's photo was submitted for the "Why I Love Black Cats" Show and Tell, and this photo seemed purrfect for the Halloween Cats Picture Gallery. With her sleek black coloring, Josie really doesn't need to wear a Halloween costume; not even a witch's hat.
Read Josie's Story | Submit Your Halloween Cat Story and Photo
"Josie was a sweet overnight house-guest, so I felt like I'd betrayed her trust when I handed her over to our local humane society.
She was fostered, and her all-black, all-girl litter swiftly found homes. We adopted Josie. She turned out to be bossy and opinionated but we love her!"
Josie's photo was submitted for the "Why I Love Black Cats" Show and Tell, and this photo seemed purrfect for the Halloween Cats Picture Gallery. With her sleek black coloring, Josie really doesn't need to wear a Halloween costume; not even a witch's hat.
Read Josie's Story | Submit Your Halloween Cat Story and Photo