- Allergic reactions cause spasms of the bronchi restricting air flow, swelling, which can make it difficult for the cat to breathe.
- Coughing, wheezing, gagging, general breathing difficulties, or hunching of the shoulders with the neck extended are some symptoms of feline asthma.
- The normal breathing rate for a cat is 20-30 breaths per minute. Over 30 breaths per minute may be a sign your cat is having difficulty breathing.
- According to veterinarians, cat coughing can seem like passing a hairball, and sometimes goes undiagnosed.
- Common triggers of feline asthma include scented cat litters, smoke, household products like cleaners and aerosols, pollen, mold, mildew, and dust.
- Food allergies can bring about an allergic asthmatic attack in cats. Stresses such as having company over or moving can also cause immunodeficiency.
Pulmonary Reaction
Primary Symptoms
Breathing Rate
Common Misdiagnosis
External Causes
Internal Causes