Cats of the Genus Felis
There are 36 species in the Felid family of cats.The felids fall into two subfamilies, the saber tooth, now extinct and the feline. The felines can be found in Eurasia, Africa and the Americas.
There are 36 species in the Felid family of cats.The felids fall into two subfamilies, the saber tooth, now extinct and the feline. The felines can be found in Eurasia, Africa and the Americas.
Bacterial infections are often an underlying contributor of feline congestion. Felines, particularly those in shelters and feral colonies, are susceptible to contagious feline upper respiratory diseases, conditions that frequently manifest in a bacterial sinus infection. Depending on the type of bac
Bathing your cat can be a stressful event. Considering that many cats have razor-sharp claws and they despise being drenched in water, the thought of it can be frightening. With the proper approach, bath time with kitty can be a more comfortable event for the both of you.
One of the reasons people love cats is because their personalities are so diverse and individual. It's impossible to know exactly how a resident cat might act when he is introduced to a new cat in the household. An article published by Cat World states that cats are possessive and territorial. It's
Stress is a part of life but can be controlled. There are lots of remedies to relieve stress including controlled breathing, exercise, yoga, classical music and my favorite: cat!
How, exactly, is a cat's approximate age determined? We took in a stray cat that we'd been feeding for several weeks, and we are curious how old he is. I know that something about cats' teeth is a clue, but I don't know what to look for, exactly. What are the guidelines for telli
Feline urinary tract infections are common and can result in quite a mess. They occur when bacteria colonize the urethra, the tube through which the cat urinates, and can result in pain and spraying. If left untreated, urinary tract infections can result in kidney disease, kidney failure and death.
There are many reasons a cat may throw up, and not all of them mean there is any kind of serious problem. However, if a cat starts vomiting frequently, either several times in one day or over a period of days, your cat may have a health issue that needs treatment from a veterinarian.
Feline acne is a common problem seen in cats. It is more common during the spring and fall shedding seasons, because this is when the body undergoes a cleansing process. It's a common but minor health problem that can be easily treated at home.
Indoor cats can escape from the house through open doors and windows. Like their outdoor counterparts, house cats are curious about the outside world and may want to check it out. A house cat that manages to get outdoors is at risk of either getting lost or finding itself in a sticky situation cause
There are a LOT of different trains of thought about cats (or kittens). One school of thought has the kitten enthusiast saying that all kittens need to have human companionship to become 'whole' (whatever that means), another thought is that, when you own a kitten or cats, they are very in
As veterinarians, we are often concerned with getting cats to drink more water. Most cats simply do not drink in response to mild dehydration. So, when your cat suddenly start to drink a lot of water, it usually indicates a medical problem of some sort. In this article we will discuss diabetes, a co
What is your cat saying? What does it mean when your cat waves its tail? Wouldn't it be great if you could talk to your cat and know what it was feeling?
The Cat Health Guide states that up to 12 percent of cats will suffer from a urinary tract infection, or UTI, at some point in their lives. The area of the body where urine leaves the body is filled with bacteria. When this bacteria enters the body and infects some part of the urinary tract system,
Tuxedo Cats were originally chosen to honor in the May cats photo calendar because they reminded me of the elegant attire worn to spring proms. Of course, females may also wear tuxedos. Ehjoy these photos of handsome tuxedo cats, then submit your own cat pictures.
We celebrate red cats in our December Picture Calendar, but we love them year-round. December is a great month for snuggling with your cat in front of a crackling fire, particularly if your cat mirrors the colors of the flames. And of course we can't forget that December is red for the color of
If your cat is in heat, she is probably driving you crazy. She is ready to mate, and wants to let the world know it. Luckily there are a couple effective ways to put an end to the madness, and bring some peace to your cat. Unfortunately, unless you are willing to spay your cat or put her on hormone
There are two important factors to consider when discussing feline blood glucose levels: Cats that are stressed during veterinary visits will have an elevated blood glucose level, and home testing can provide different blood glucose readings than in-office testing.
As 2010 is a transitional year, the 2010 January Cats Picture Gallery is also transitional. We are changing the focus from blue cats to senior cats. As the old year is cast aside for the baby new year, senior cats have often been cast aside at shelters, to make room for the new crops of kittens. As