Pets & Animal: Ways to Build Cat Houses

Ways to Build Cat Houses

Wild cats, feral cats, and cats that live outdoors need to have cat houses that they can sleep in. Cat houses protect cats from the elements, keep them warm, and allow them to have somewhere safe to go. Cat houses also discourage cats from making nests in other places, like the attic of your garage,

Pets & Animal: Kitty-Proof Your Home

Kitty-Proof Your Home

You just bought, or already have rather pricey designer home accessories, figurines and plants, and your home is sort of cluttered. Now you got a cat! How do you kitty-proof it? Tips for other areas of your residence as well.

Pets & Animal: How to Get a Copy of a Pedigree

How to Get a Copy of a Pedigree

Pure bred dogs will have a registered pedigree with the American Kennel Club or AKC. The pedigree is originally registered by the dog's breeder who registers each litter of puppies he breeds. He pays the fee for the AKC registration which is included in the price you pay for the puppy. A copy of thi

Pets & Animal: Domestic Cats Picture Gallery: Austin

Domestic Cats Picture Gallery: Austin

While many cat breeds are popular among their aficionados, my favorite "breed," and that of many of my readers, is the so-called domestic cat, also known affectionately as moggie, alley-cat, or what is called in cat shows that include them, "household pet." My readers responded e

Pets & Animal: Denouncing Declawing

Denouncing Declawing

Thinking of adding a feline to your family? If you enjoy your furniture and think that a simple declawing operation will stop the hassles of training the new member of the family to using the scratch post; think again. Declawing is inhumane and unnecessary. If you're still determined that furni

Pets & Animal: What it Means When Your Cat is Ignoring You

What it Means When Your Cat is Ignoring You

Cats have a body language all of their own. They use their eyes, ears, tail and whole body to get a message across at times. They will also use psychological tactics to let you know what is going on, just as we do. Find out why cats ignore us and what we have to do to get back in their good graces.

Pets & Animal: Shelter Cat Adoption Success Gallery: Parsifal

Shelter Cat Adoption Success Gallery: Parsifal

Adopting a shelter cat makes a big difference, not only to the cat, who may literally have been on death row, but to your own life. Cats are well-known for giving unconditional love to their human companions, and you'll find your life enriched immeasurably. The stories presented here in our She

Pets & Animal: Symptoms of a Cat That Ate Rat Poison

Symptoms of a Cat That Ate Rat Poison

There are three basic types of rat poison: anticoagluants, bromethalin and cholecalciferol. These come in a variety of baits under several different brand names. Whatever the poison bait type, cats, being the curious creatures that they are, will find a way into a bait trap if they really...

Pets & Animal: How to Get a Kitten a Shot

How to Get a Kitten a Shot

You can get shots for your kitten from a veterinarian or clinic. Kittens are typically vaccinated against rabies, feline panleukopenia (distemper), feline leukemia virus, feline viral rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus. Rabies vaccination is required by law in many areas, and it's a good idea to

Pets & Animal: From Kitten to Cat, An Amazing Journey

From Kitten to Cat, An Amazing Journey

The decision to bring a cat or kitten into your home is one that should be made with thoughtful consideration. The journey through life with a cat is truly a joy you can't understand until you experience it.

Pets & Animal: Natural Remedies for a Cat Blockade

Natural Remedies for a Cat Blockade

Whether you own cats or not, you may need a plan for creating cat blockades. If you own cats, there may be places inside and outside the house that you do not want them to be, and if you do not own cats you probably want them to stay out of your yard or garden. Cats can jump over high fences and can

Pets & Animal: Early Signs That My Cat Is Pregnant

Early Signs That My Cat Is Pregnant

Cats can get pregnant several times a image by matko from Fotolia.comYour outdoor cat has quite the social life. If she is at least six months of age and not spayed, there is a good chance she may become pregnant. On average, a female kitten experiences her first heat cycle...

Pets & Animal: Information on Metcam for Cats

Information on Metcam for Cats

Many veterinarians prescribe Metacam, also called meloxicam, to felines for a number of reasons. Metacam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is only available through prescription. If your veterinarian would like to place your cat on Metacam, it can be helpful to be aware of possible side

Pets & Animal: How to Keep Cats Off Window Sills

How to Keep Cats Off Window Sills

Cats are natural climbers. Their strong backs and hindquarters give them tremendous jumping power, according to the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). Cats often climb in places where they are unwanted or it's unsafe, such as windowsills where plants are located. Fortunat

Pets & Animal: Advice on What to Feed Your Cat

Advice on What to Feed Your Cat

Feeding cats can be very tricky as they can be quite fussy creatures. They will often change their mind about the food they like at very short notice and can refuse to eat perfectly good food for no reason. It can be very tricky to know what to do with them sometimes and it's good to have a cou

Pets & Animal: Face Mange in Cats

Face Mange in Cats

Feline face mange--known as notoedric mange--is a disfiguring, contagious disease largely affecting feral cats or colonies. Advanced face mange is easily diagnosed, though affected cats can take a long time to recover.

Pets & Animal: 2009 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Tweety

2009 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Tweety

Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother Earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. Because Mother Earth comes alive in the Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be, we celebrate tabby cats in our March Cat Picture Calendar You'll find dozens of

Pets & Animal: Kitten Neutering FAQs

Kitten Neutering FAQs

Neutering your kitten prevents it from contributing to the homeless pet population.kitten image by Annika from Fotolia.comNeutering is the procedure of removing the testicles from a male animal, rendering it unable to mate with a female. Male kittens are often neutered early to prevent...