- Metacam belongs to a class of drugs called NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. According to the Pet Place website, the purpose of these drugs is to alleviate pain and inflammation. Metacam does this by inhibiting the synthesis of chemicals called prostaglandins.
- Metacam is typically prescribed to relieve pain in cats that is associated with surgeries, including spays and neuters, as well as orthopedic surgery. Declawing pain can also be relieved by the use of Metacam. In addition, Metacam has been shown to reduce fever in cats.
- Just like other NSAIDs, Metacam can cause certain side effects. Metacam can cause gastrointestinal issues among cats, including loose and bloody stool, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Metacam can also cause changes in the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. More serious side effects include anemia, stomach ulcers, liver injury, and kidney damage.
- Cats suspected of having heart failure or liver or kidney disease should not take Metacam. Additionally, cats allergic to the ingredients found in Metacam and cats with histories of bleeding, inflammation, or perforation of the intestine should not take Metacam. Consult with your veterinarian about any medications your cat currently takes, as Metacam may interact with them. These types of drugs include corticosteroids, aspirin and ACE inhibitors.
- Unlike many liquid medications, Metacam does not need to be refrigerated. If your veterinarian sent you home with a few days worth of the liquid medication, it should be kept at room temperature and safely out of the reach of children or other animals. Injectable Metacam does not need to stay in the fridge, either.
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