Law & Legal & Attorney: How Paper for Money Is Made

How Paper for Money Is Made

Who Makes Currency Paper?The paper used for United States currency printing is produced by Crane and Company, a Massachusetts-based stationer. Crane's has produced security and banknote paper for the United States Bureau of Printing and Engraving since 1879, supplying paper for 38 million...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Legal Marijuana: The New Media Darling of Mainstream America

Legal Marijuana: The New Media Darling of Mainstream America

The war being waged for marijuana's legal acceptance in America has a new battleground these days. Mass media has decidedly been the tool of prohibitionist since the very earliest days of "The War On Drugs". Who can forget Nancy Reagan's unforgettable "Just Say No" camp

Law & Legal & Attorney: Abandoning Amtrak

Abandoning Amtrak

A transportation system, which is not only inefficient, but also unreliable and an international terrorist target to boot? Why would any government or civilization accept such a thing? Amtrak is a complete waste of the taxpayers money, but

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Progressive Governor and His Landmark Lawsuit

A Progressive Governor and His Landmark Lawsuit

Subject concerns the progressive administration of Governor Ellis Arnold of Georgia 1943-47, as a polestar of excellence in state government. Includes his landmark case of Georgia v. The Pennsylvania Railroad and its economic consequences for the southern region.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Paper Industry

Paper Industry

The paper industry in the US is hurting. Due to supply and demand prices are way up. If you look at the changes, due to the growth in housing and price of wood and increased government regulations with Sarbaines Oxley Act you can see why we need more and more paper.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Foods of the Thirteen Colonies

Foods of the Thirteen Colonies

Not all of the original 13 American colonies enjoyed the same foods. Different regions offered different types of food for the colonists to utilize. The colonies located by bodies of water made use of fish and other water-dwelling animals. The forest provided nearby colonies with wild game like deer

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why Is a Donkey the Democratic Symbol? (with Pictures)

Why Is a Donkey the Democratic Symbol? (with Pictures)

Although the Democratic Party in the United States has never officially adopted the donkey as its symbol, political cartoonists have associated Democrats with the donkey since the mid-19th century. Both Democrats and Republicans have used the association between the donkey and Democrats to their pol

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to convert kg to lbs

How to convert kg to lbs

Although the UK officially began the switch to metric measurements in 1965, the old imperial units are still around. Drinkers still down “pints” in the pub, and motorists still “inch along” in traffic jams. Maybe it’s because some things just sound better in imperial: &

Law & Legal & Attorney: What the Hell Is Net Neutrality?

What the Hell Is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality: is it a good or a bad thing? First of all, it seems as though there is a lot of confusion on this topic: Net Neutrality. Let me break it down for you in easy terms.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Draw an Observation With Research

How to Draw an Observation With Research

There comes a time, either during work or during your educational career, when you need to conduct research and draw conclusions based on the research you've done and the data you've collected. Whether the project is as simple as determining the best health care plan for your company or as complex a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Politicians, Illegal Aliens, Billions of Dollars and a Truckload of Bull

Politicians, Illegal Aliens, Billions of Dollars and a Truckload of Bull

In December the house passed a bill that Senator Bill Frist endorses. They now want to escalate the status of Illegal Alien to a Felony offense.The bill they have been referring to is HR 4437, otherwise known as The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Lets See Where The Wind Blows

Lets See Where The Wind Blows

The election in country welcomes the hot competition for all political parties. The common citizen's of the country are promised for the basic rights and hopefully they are satisfied with politician promises. The basic slogan of "Roti, Kapra aur Makan" remains the same since 1947 till

Law & Legal & Attorney: Political Accountability in Scotland

Political Accountability in Scotland

"The citizen can bring our political and governmental institutions back to life, make them responsive and accountable, and keep them honest. No one else can." -- John Gardner. There are two main factors in politics: the politicians and the people. To understand what is right and, more impo

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why You No Longer Live In A Free Country

Why You No Longer Live In A Free Country

This article reviews the myriad of reasons why we are no longer living in a free country. From an oppresive tax burden to a snooping government to the lack of controll we have ceded to the government for our retirement, health care, and other life needs, we no longer control our lives, our fates, ou