Law & Legal & Attorney: Hillary, Republicans And Oprah Oh My

Hillary, Republicans And Oprah Oh My

It may look bleak for Republicans in the 2006 election, but the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency in 2008 will once again motivate Republicanvoters to get out the vote.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Mr Obama, Please Don't Pander

Mr Obama, Please Don't Pander

In the last few weeks it seems that you have joined Mr. McCain in the old political pander game. I know that it must be disappointing that you have not been able to stretch your polling numbers beyond a few percentage points, but please don't give up on us yet.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Rights of Women in Iraq

Rights of Women in Iraq

In Iraq, women have had many rights, but they may be in peril.muslim woman image by from Fotolia.comMiddle Eastern culture is tied to the Muslim religion in many peoples' minds. The Muslim religion, also in many opinions, is linked to a lack of rights for women. In spite of...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Politicians As Public Figures

Politicians As Public Figures

Grover Cleveland's political motto was: "A Public Office is a Public Trust." Yes, that certainly was true then, and it certainly is true now. You see, "We People of the United States of America" have no choice but to trust those who we elect to Public Office to do the best t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Richard Nixon, the truth

Richard Nixon, the truth

Richard Nixon was by far a most fascinating and colorful character in our nations history. Richard Nixon, well even his dogs past was checkered. Richard Nixon was an excellent diplomat, negotiator and politician.

Law & Legal & Attorney: General Details On Conservative Vs Liberal

General Details On Conservative Vs Liberal

In terms of politics, there are several differences between the parties. Conservative people tend to prefer that the government be smaller and do less regulation of the public. They think that most services should be provided through the private sector in the free market.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Hotels in Lower Manhattan

Hotels in Lower Manhattan

The City That Never Sleeps offers many places to sleep.New York City image by paolobenne from Fotolia.comFor a City That Never Sleeps, New York offers a lot of choices for where to find a bed. So many, in fact, that it can get overwhelming. Many of the city's first-class hotels are in...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Is Obama Any Smarter Than Bush?

Is Obama Any Smarter Than Bush?

According to George W. Bush, we are fighting in Iraq to "secure the peace" and, to "secure freedom and democracy". Is there any historical or other rational reason to believe this? If war can secure peace then why, after 10,000 years of war, isn't there peace on earth by now

Law & Legal & Attorney: Governments Worst Agency

Governments Worst Agency

Everyone knows the United States Government often falls down in their duties. Although over all the country is great and for the most part seems to work, there are several agencies that get an F on their report cards from some who act as government watchdogs. In my opinion there is no bigger waste o

Law & Legal & Attorney: Better You Than Me

Better You Than Me

You've heard the phrase about getting a taste of your own medicine? Well the medicine we're talking about is the health care plan the government wants you to have...but doesn't want to take themselves.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Bold Leadership Needed to Combat the Global AIDS Epidemic

Bold Leadership Needed to Combat the Global AIDS Epidemic

December 1, 2006 marked World AIDS Day. Now, some 25 years into the epidemic, the need for bold policy choices is greater and more urgent than ever. According to the just released data from the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, 39.5 million people worldwide are now living with HIV. Moreover,

Law & Legal & Attorney: Whose Country is it Anyway?

Whose Country is it Anyway?

With politicians, the peoples business is ALWAYS secondary to their business.What business is that? Perpetual re-election.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Common Sense in Getting Government Spending Under Control

Common Sense in Getting Government Spending Under Control

The President and our Congressional leaders stay in the headlines with their constant war of words and threats along with blaming each other for the dismal shape that they have taken our economy into. I believe that if they just use a little common sense they could find a path back to financial stab

Law & Legal & Attorney: Should We Enforce The Stolen Valor Act?

Should We Enforce The Stolen Valor Act?

Some of our officials are given more power than they actually have by law. There is no way that our Federal Judges should be able to interpret the law in the way that they see fit.

Law & Legal & Attorney: How the Democratic Revolution in Egypt Will Effect the Middle East

How the Democratic Revolution in Egypt Will Effect the Middle East

The events in Egypt have spread all over the Middle East, beginning when a young Tunisian graduate set himself on fire because he felt blocked from earning a living. And it was not only the Middle East. Even in Beijing, protesters were out on the streets wanting better housing and more work.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Does the United States Use Propaganda On Its People?

Does the United States Use Propaganda On Its People?

Some say that the United States of America is constantly making propaganda and even using it on its own people. Some say this is very dishonest and indeed not right because often this propaganda crosses all line of ethics. Some say that the US uses propaganda against the Middle East too. One person

Law & Legal & Attorney: Russia and the Threat to World Order

Russia and the Threat to World Order

This Article focuses on World politics and the threat to World peace and security. The influence of powerful nations like Russia to World monumental retrogression and abuse of power.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why You No Longer Live In A Free Country

Why You No Longer Live In A Free Country

This article reviews the myriad of reasons why we are no longer living in a free country. From an oppresive tax burden to a snooping government to the lack of controll we have ceded to the government for our retirement, health care, and other life needs, we no longer control our lives, our fates, ou

Law & Legal & Attorney: Political Accountability in Scotland

Political Accountability in Scotland

"The citizen can bring our political and governmental institutions back to life, make them responsive and accountable, and keep them honest. No one else can." -- John Gardner. There are two main factors in politics: the politicians and the people. To understand what is right and, more impo

Law & Legal & Attorney: Lets See Where The Wind Blows

Lets See Where The Wind Blows

The election in country welcomes the hot competition for all political parties. The common citizen's of the country are promised for the basic rights and hopefully they are satisfied with politician promises. The basic slogan of "Roti, Kapra aur Makan" remains the same since 1947 till