Law & Legal & Attorney: Taxes: A Plan for Both Obama and Boehner

Taxes: A Plan for Both Obama and Boehner

Obama and Reid say the rich should pay more taxes. Boehner claims that tax hikes on the rich will damage small businesses, the engine that fuels our economy. Who's right?

Law & Legal & Attorney: Urban vs. Rural Egyptian Land

Urban vs. Rural Egyptian Land

Egypt's use of land is determined by its access to clean water. The entire country spans 400,000 square miles, but almost all of the population and cities are grouped around the Nile. The annual flood in the Nile Valley and delta areas supplies water for farming the crops that feed the whole country

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Overpopulation

The History of Overpopulation

Although ancient texts mention overpopulation, the death rate tended to be greater than the birth rate throughout human history, until medical advances and rising living standards reversed this trend during the 19th century. Initially, writers who addressed overpopulation were concerned about the po

Law & Legal & Attorney: Try, Try Again Rhode Island - Get Those Compassion Centers Open!

Try, Try Again Rhode Island - Get Those Compassion Centers Open!

Outraged medical marijuana patients protested outside the Department of Health in Rhode Island on Monday. They were protesting the fact that the Department of Health denied approval of all 15 Compassion Care registration applications. According to the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition this is

Law & Legal & Attorney: Holidays With The Family - Talking Politics & Stirring Up Conflict

Holidays With The Family - Talking Politics & Stirring Up Conflict

Political views that permeate and run throughout our families differ and delight us all. Undoubtedly such political persuasions make for a great intellectual and very stimulating conversation.How else could we truly discover the values of our loved ones?

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Travesty Of Western Justice

A Travesty Of Western Justice

Quilt of Western nations motivates U.N. trial of the Khmer Rouge. Little, if any, compensation awarded to survivors of the victims.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Folly of Kennedy and Schumer

The Folly of Kennedy and Schumer

Ted Kennedy recently said he wanted to know whose side Judge Roberts was going to be on. Myself, I would like to know what side the referees are going to be on in the super bowl. What? Referees are supposed to be impartial?

Law & Legal & Attorney: Which Political Party Do Americans Trust More With Health Care?

Which Political Party Do Americans Trust More With Health Care?

It is midterm election season, which means that both major political parties are at each other's throats and making their cases to the American public. This year, one of the primary issues is clearly healthcare reform. For the most part, the issue is extremely partisan.

Law & Legal & Attorney: About Obesity in America

About Obesity in America

The United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. In spite of this, and maybe as a result of this, according to a report on the BBC, the United States is home to the most obese people in the world.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are the Six Goals of the Constitution?

What Are the Six Goals of the Constitution?

The Preamble to the Constitution sets forth six goals that the Founding Fathers of the United States hoped to achieve. It reads as follows; "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for common defense, promote

Law & Legal & Attorney: Referendum Every 15 Years In Quebec

Referendum Every 15 Years In Quebec

Recently Michael Fortier proposed an idea to hold a referendum in Quebec every 15 years. At first glance you have to wonder on which side of the bed did he wake up on when he voiced this idea. Enough about Mr. Fortier and let's examine this a little further.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The History of Baling Wire

The History of Baling Wire

Baling wire came into existence in the early 1800s but was not in wide use until the invention of the hay baler by Charles Withington in 1872. Withington's baler was a horse-drawn machine that compressed the mowed hay into square blocks. When the blocks were ejected to the back of the machine, the

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are Some Southern Words of Wisdom?

What Are Some Southern Words of Wisdom?

The South is a region of the United States that is most famous for its sprawling plantations and heavy use of slave labor in the days before the Civil War. Southern people are noted for being hospitable, warm and down to earth. Over the years, many popular proverbs and wise sayings have emerged fr

Law & Legal & Attorney: Quick Plans Of Camera Revealed

Quick Plans Of Camera Revealed

But there's no need to worry since there are benefits to editing HD films using a Lossless Intermediate. You can also swap it with a pal to get some very nice third person perspective photographs of each of you.Review my blog :: gopro, Visit My Website,

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Change Voter Registration Online

How to Change Voter Registration Online

If you move, or if you wish to change your official political affiliation, you will need to change your voter registration. While most U.S. Post Office locations have paper voter registration forms available, you can also change your voter registration online.

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Modern Lite in the Third World

A Modern Lite in the Third World

Americans pride themselves on being the best, thats a fact.From McDonalds, to Coke, to Microsoft, to Hollywood, we have the best of everything.Dont we?Especially in computer technology, Dell,HP/Compaq, Macintosh, we stand tall. Is that right?Is that a fact?