Law & Legal & Attorney: Duties of Social Committees for Publicity

Duties of Social Committees for Publicity

Social committees plan, organize and finance events that keep an organizational community together. Many workplaces have social committees whose responsibility it is to plan staff parties and fundraisers. Churches, women's groups and philanthropic organizations also have social committees whose job

Law & Legal & Attorney: Almost Everyone Here Is an Immigrant

Almost Everyone Here Is an Immigrant

Immigration should not be a hot button. We allow them to come to this country on student visas and work permits and then we ship them out right after they have taken advantage of our universities and corporations. Let them stay, pay taxes, and pay into Social Security.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Latest News : Telangana Heat To Sharmila' s Walk ! Hello Andhra

Latest News : Telangana Heat To Sharmila' s Walk ! Hello Andhra

Nalgonda : Telangana heat struck to the Maro Praja Prasthanam walkathon of YS Jagan's sister Sharmila. Her walk continued in Nalgonda district on Friday evening. When she was in Mukundapur of Nagarjunasagar constituency some Telangana protestorstried to block her way.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Differences Between Civil Unions & Marriage

Differences Between Civil Unions & Marriage

The differences between marriage and civil unions can be a controversial, emotional topic, for some bringing into question the very sanctity of the institution of marriage. While both have benefits for those who engage in them, there are also some important differences ranging from tax structure to

Law & Legal & Attorney: Sister Betty X Shabazz

Sister Betty X Shabazz

Betty X (born Betty Jean Sanders) lived from May 28, 1936 to June 23, 1997. The widow of civil rights leader Malcolm X, she died three weeks after being severely burned in a fire allegedly set by her 12-year-old grandson. Shabazz's funeral service was held at the Islamic Cultural Center in New

Law & Legal & Attorney: God is REALLY Blessing America!

God is REALLY Blessing America!

God is truly blessing America!HOPE now replaces a long history of denial in America. In 1945 on a bitter cold night on the way back to college, I stopped at a restaurant in Pennsylvania for a cup of hot chocolate only to be told that I could buy it - but had to drink it outside!

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Adjust a Micrometric Regulator

How to Adjust a Micrometric Regulator

A micrometric regulator sets the cycle speed of the wheel in watches and helps the device accurately keep time. The regulator can be finely turned by adjusting a small screw that secures it in place. Micrometric regulators are most commonly used in high-end watches, but may be found in other types.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Illegal Immigration Bill Stalls

Illegal Immigration Bill Stalls

It is amazing that we even need an illegal immigration and illegal alien bill in our government. We already have laws on the books to stop this problem. It is illegal to sneak into our nation. Those who do are criminals.

Law & Legal & Attorney: International Sanctions against Sudan

International Sanctions against Sudan

I have never been able to understand the concept of Sanctions. The last few instances of sanctions on countries have been on Zimbabwe where people are starving to death, North Korea where people are starving to death and now possibly Sudan where people are starving to death already.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Are the SNP the Heirs of Michael Foot?

Are the SNP the Heirs of Michael Foot?

This article compares the Scottish National Party with the Labour Party and argues that SNP supporters are not only motivated by a desire for independence, but also hoping to resurrect a form of socialism, which the modern Labour party has largely rejected. For this reason the SNP can be likened to

Law & Legal & Attorney: 3 Theories of Utility

3 Theories of Utility

Utilitarianism is a range of philosophical thinking that considers moral actions through a teleological, or ends-based, perspective. Within utilitarianism, the three primary theories include act, rule and sanction utility, each referring to a different perception of human action and the goals necess

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Teach People How to Count Votes Correctly

How to Teach People How to Count Votes Correctly

In spite of the computerization of many civic requirements, voting ballots are still hand-counted in many states and districts. On election day, votes are rendered either by a punchout machine or a simple pencil indication. These votes must be counted manually by thousands of dedicated vote counters

Law & Legal & Attorney: Elections - Democratically Choosing the Qualified Person For a Post

Elections - Democratically Choosing the Qualified Person For a Post

Elections mean that a democratic process of choosing one out of many is followed to represent the masses. This is a very simple yet interesting process since every qualified individual who form the electorate has a right to vote. The tools of any election are the ballot paper, the ballot box, the el

Law & Legal & Attorney: Lying With the Truth - The Politics of Words

Lying With the Truth - The Politics of Words

I just spent a delightful hour talking about the politics of education with my backyard neighbor. She is running for the state legislature and the general election is in a few days. I have known her the last few years as a wife and mother, not as a politician.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do Elections Really Matter?

Do Elections Really Matter?

There are a lot of important questions that people are asking these days, like: "What is the best way to remove ear wax?" "What is the most humane way to euthenise a fish?" and "Can I really make yarn out of my dog's fur?" However, this being an election year, the

Law & Legal & Attorney: Political Commentary

Political Commentary

A dark cloud has completely descended upon our country Australia. Prime Minister, Tony Abbott and his evil cronies, Joe Hockey [Treasurer], Christopher Pyne [Education Minister], have completely adopted an extremely hard-line stance, by using political and economic blackmail against the people of th

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Send a Fax to Your Members of Congress

How to Send a Fax to Your Members of Congress

If you would like to contact your U.S. Representative or Senator regarding a political issue, economical issue, or any concerns regarding your district or state, you may contact them via fax. Contact your member of congress by fax to have your concerns addressed. Here's what you need to know if you