The reason that I am writing this article is to respond to a decision made by a Federal Judge to declare the Stolen Valor Act illegal. I cant see how a judge can decide that an article which was voted into law by due process is unconstitutional. This in itself gives him more power than any nasty little dictator in the world. This judge has interpreted the law through his own eyes and he is not God.
First of all let me give a brief description of the stolen valor act to those of you who may not know. This act was passed by the Bush Administration in 2004. It basically makes it a crime to wear, manufacture, sale, or claim that you have earned any military awards or decorations that you havent earned. Many times those who have not been affiliated with the military may try to claim an affiliation for personal gain. Sometimes those who have been in the military may try to claim awards that they never received or are unauthorized to wear. This is illegal and is (or should be) punishable by prison time. No one should be allowed to claim these awards for their gain if they havent earned them. As far as I am concerned it is no different than impersonating an officer or other military official. Now if it is OK to do one it should be OK to do the other. If you are going to impersonate a military officer why not impersonate a police officer? If it is OK to lie about one thing why not lie about another? If it is OK to lie about receiving military awards then perjury in a court of law should be OK also. I think that you are getting my point about now. Personally I cant conceive of a situation where it is OK to willingly lie about having served your country when you havent.
Now Im sure that you can see where Im going with this. US District Judge Robert E Blackburn has declared this law illegal because he says that it violates the right of free speech. He goes on to say that The government cannot criminalize a statement just because it is false, no matter how important the statement is. What in the world is he talking about? Does that make any sense to you? Then lets not criminalize perjury then? Lets make it OK to murder and cover up evidence, lets make it OK to lie for gain.
This is too much power in the hands of one man. How in the world can you arbitrarily strike down a law that has been voted on and passed by due process. In this case the judge is not right. Im sorry but that is the way that it is.
Our founding fathers did not have the right to lie in mind when they thought about freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means that you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Your freedoms end when they impinge on the rights of another.
We need to make an accurate assessment of what was in the mind of our founding fathers when they established our constitution. Look at it from an objective point of view. There was no way that they meant freedom of speech meant the right to lie. Look at the other things that they said and look at the document as a whole. There was no where that they said that it is OK to lie or do whatever. Most of the precepts of our constitution were taken directly from the bible. We should not be held hostage to the whims of any judge. His job is to judge according to established law, not to what he wants it to be in his own mind. He is to be impartial in his application of the law. Thats where the term Judge came from. Military Ring Express
First of all let me give a brief description of the stolen valor act to those of you who may not know. This act was passed by the Bush Administration in 2004. It basically makes it a crime to wear, manufacture, sale, or claim that you have earned any military awards or decorations that you havent earned. Many times those who have not been affiliated with the military may try to claim an affiliation for personal gain. Sometimes those who have been in the military may try to claim awards that they never received or are unauthorized to wear. This is illegal and is (or should be) punishable by prison time. No one should be allowed to claim these awards for their gain if they havent earned them. As far as I am concerned it is no different than impersonating an officer or other military official. Now if it is OK to do one it should be OK to do the other. If you are going to impersonate a military officer why not impersonate a police officer? If it is OK to lie about one thing why not lie about another? If it is OK to lie about receiving military awards then perjury in a court of law should be OK also. I think that you are getting my point about now. Personally I cant conceive of a situation where it is OK to willingly lie about having served your country when you havent.
Now Im sure that you can see where Im going with this. US District Judge Robert E Blackburn has declared this law illegal because he says that it violates the right of free speech. He goes on to say that The government cannot criminalize a statement just because it is false, no matter how important the statement is. What in the world is he talking about? Does that make any sense to you? Then lets not criminalize perjury then? Lets make it OK to murder and cover up evidence, lets make it OK to lie for gain.
This is too much power in the hands of one man. How in the world can you arbitrarily strike down a law that has been voted on and passed by due process. In this case the judge is not right. Im sorry but that is the way that it is.
Our founding fathers did not have the right to lie in mind when they thought about freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means that you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Your freedoms end when they impinge on the rights of another.
We need to make an accurate assessment of what was in the mind of our founding fathers when they established our constitution. Look at it from an objective point of view. There was no way that they meant freedom of speech meant the right to lie. Look at the other things that they said and look at the document as a whole. There was no where that they said that it is OK to lie or do whatever. Most of the precepts of our constitution were taken directly from the bible. We should not be held hostage to the whims of any judge. His job is to judge according to established law, not to what he wants it to be in his own mind. He is to be impartial in his application of the law. Thats where the term Judge came from. Military Ring Express