Well its official...
we're being sold out.
You've heard the phrase about getting a taste of your own medicine? Well the medicine we're talking about is the health care plan the government wants you to have...
but doesn't want to take themselves.
Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that the Senate Health Committee voted (barely) in favor of an amendment that would require all members and their staffs to enroll in any new government run health plan.
Only three Democrats voted in favor of the amendment.
So the party that wants to shove a "public option" down our throats before anybody has a chance to think twice about it has already thought enough about it to know they don't want it.
Kind of reminds me of a certain stimulus spending package that had to get approved over a weekend or the world would come to an end...
even though many months later we've only spent about 11% of the funds.
And most of the funds that have been spent aren't on anything stimulating...
but I digress.
I'm not saying that the existing state of health insurance coverage isn't in need of overhaul because I think it is.
But I am saying that I don't need to hear any additional details about the plan currently being proposed beyond the fact that those who would impose it would also avoid it.
How about this for a first step: absolutely no plan whatsoever is put into motion for "the people" unless every single federal and state employee relinquish their existing health benefits and replace them with the "public option"...
including Congress, Senate and the Executive Branch.
Certainly if tax dollars are going to pay for a health insurance option, those whose living is funded on the backs of taxpayers should be required to consume it; particularly when those same people are bent on requiring you to consume it.
When you consider that our tax dollars are already paying for the health benefits of the aforementioned group and that we're being told that this new "public option" will bring down the costs of health care; how can there even be any discussion about whether publicly funded employees (including Congress & Senate) will adopt it? It would be nice if politicians had to eat their own dog food for a change.
Their failure to very willingly and very publicly adopt whatever public option comes to pass is all I need to hear to know that I don't want it.
we're being sold out.
You've heard the phrase about getting a taste of your own medicine? Well the medicine we're talking about is the health care plan the government wants you to have...
but doesn't want to take themselves.
Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that the Senate Health Committee voted (barely) in favor of an amendment that would require all members and their staffs to enroll in any new government run health plan.
Only three Democrats voted in favor of the amendment.
So the party that wants to shove a "public option" down our throats before anybody has a chance to think twice about it has already thought enough about it to know they don't want it.
Kind of reminds me of a certain stimulus spending package that had to get approved over a weekend or the world would come to an end...
even though many months later we've only spent about 11% of the funds.
And most of the funds that have been spent aren't on anything stimulating...
but I digress.
I'm not saying that the existing state of health insurance coverage isn't in need of overhaul because I think it is.
But I am saying that I don't need to hear any additional details about the plan currently being proposed beyond the fact that those who would impose it would also avoid it.
How about this for a first step: absolutely no plan whatsoever is put into motion for "the people" unless every single federal and state employee relinquish their existing health benefits and replace them with the "public option"...
including Congress, Senate and the Executive Branch.
Certainly if tax dollars are going to pay for a health insurance option, those whose living is funded on the backs of taxpayers should be required to consume it; particularly when those same people are bent on requiring you to consume it.
When you consider that our tax dollars are already paying for the health benefits of the aforementioned group and that we're being told that this new "public option" will bring down the costs of health care; how can there even be any discussion about whether publicly funded employees (including Congress & Senate) will adopt it? It would be nice if politicians had to eat their own dog food for a change.
Their failure to very willingly and very publicly adopt whatever public option comes to pass is all I need to hear to know that I don't want it.