Home & Garden: Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton

Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton

Many preschoolers garden right alongside the older family members. They typically understand that you bury a seed in the dirt and sometime later, a plant pops up. Use this activity to show your youngster what happens to the seed underground after you plant it, but before the little seedling pokes it

Home & Garden: How to Design a Front Patio Made of Interlocked Stone

How to Design a Front Patio Made of Interlocked Stone

Designing a front patio made of interlocking stone requires an understanding of basic design principles. Fortunately, the stones themselves provide a flexible solution for creating a durable, attractive patio surface that can be laid in virtually any shape of patio area. A little planning ahead wil

Home & Garden: Will Fertilizer Turn My Grass Brown?

Will Fertilizer Turn My Grass Brown?

Too much of a good thing can damage your lawn. Most lawns thrive with a fertilizer boost, but over-fertilization can burn turfgrasses and create a brown, mottled patch instead of a green, lush expanse.

Home & Garden: Pool Landscaping: How to Pick Your Plants

Pool Landscaping: How to Pick Your Plants

Backyard pools are emphasized with beautiful landscaping, including water features, stone structures and wooden decks, but many are missing the soft touch of greenery. There's a fear that surrounds planting trees, bushes and flowers around pools. Between the risk of damage caused by root system

Home & Garden: What Is the Depth of Roots of St. Augustine Grass Roots?

What Is the Depth of Roots of St. Augustine Grass Roots?

Called buffalograss by Australians and Charleston grass by South Carolinians, St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) grows as a coarse-textured lawn in mild-wintered parts of the United States. When soils become too dry, St. Augustinegrass' leaf blades curl and turn a grayish tone of green. If

Home & Garden: Video: Fertilizing Boxwood

Video: Fertilizing Boxwood

Video Transcript A real foundation plant of the garden, a Boxwood. This is Nicholas Staddon from Monrovia Nursery. Today we're going to talk about fertilizing Boxwood. Boxwoods are really easy plants to take care of and the great thing is they are evergreen so they've got some color...

Home & Garden: Do You Need to Detassle Corn?

Do You Need to Detassle Corn?

Corn can be grown in small vegetable gardens at home or in large farms that stretch across acres. Corn planting happens in spring after the last frost, and harvesting commonly happens in late summer. These plants are wind-pollenated, and the corn plant's tassel contains the pollen. This means that w

Home & Garden: Wind Chimes Broken? How to Make Them New Again

Wind Chimes Broken? How to Make Them New Again

Wind chimes can be an expression of our homes and personality. Having taken the time to choose just the right chimes, it can be frustrating to have them break. Here is a way to make them like new again.

Home & Garden: Building Water Features on a Budget

Building Water Features on a Budget

A water feature is an ideal way to add life and movement to a garden area, whether it is a simple small pond with running water or a magnificent large centrepiece of the entire garden. Either way, water features have well been a hugely popular and desirable aspect for many gardens thanks to their ve

Home & Garden: Deck Ideas for a Double Wide

Deck Ideas for a Double Wide

Spruce up a boring deck by using angles and creating storage.Deck de madeira image by CarlosNeto from Fotolia.comAdding a deck to your double-wide mobile home creates a designated area to barbecue or enjoy a nice cold drink on a hot summer day, but it may also create extra storage. Create...

Home & Garden: Chain-Link vs. Wood Fence

Chain-Link vs. Wood Fence

Aside from the obvious difference in material between chain-link and wood fences, the leading considerations are aesthetics, privacy, maintenance, intended functionality and cost. Ultimately, the choice of fence will be determined by the use for which it is intended.

Home & Garden: How to Landscape With a Small Bamboo Fountain

How to Landscape With a Small Bamboo Fountain

The simplicity of a bamboo fountain and its soothing flow of water creates a welcome island of peace in the home landscape. To accentuate this effect, design a tranquil setting to surround the fountain. According to Michigan Technological University, Japanese hill and pond gardens combine a water fe

Home & Garden: Top 3 Ways to Stay Connected to the Outdoors

Top 3 Ways to Stay Connected to the Outdoors

Love the great outdoors? If you're the type who would rather be hiking up a mountain or rafting down a river that controlling the remote, you know exactly what I mean. I'm always amazed when someone tells me their ideal vacation requires a hotel room with 100 channels on the remote.

Home & Garden: What Do I Feed St. Augustine Grass?

What Do I Feed St. Augustine Grass?

St. Augustine grass grows very well in humid conditions. It doesn't handle wear very well but typically does just fine as a lawn. Feed St. Augustine grass to keep it as healthy as possible.

Home & Garden: How to Tile a Porch

How to Tile a Porch

If you're looking for something really different for the surface of an old porch, why not consider installing tiles? You can lay ceramic or stone tiles outside a home just as you would indoors---even on the surface of a wood porch---with the proper preparation. Climate changes outside cause wood, co

Home & Garden: China Pink Plants For Your Garden

China Pink Plants For Your Garden

If you are looking for a lovely colorful plant for your garden then try planting a china pink or Loropetalum. This is a very easy plant to establish and maintain.

Home & Garden: How to Get Yourself a Good Door Awning

How to Get Yourself a Good Door Awning

Awnings are generally a great house feature as they provide protection to whatever part of the house they are shading. There are many different types of awnings to choose from, such as canopy awnings, window awnings, and even metal awnings, but for this guide, we will be focusing on getting a great

Home & Garden: Yellow Rings in Grass

Yellow Rings in Grass

Rhizoctonia yellow patch is a fungal disease that's easily identified by the rings of yellow grass that appear on your lawn. Yellow patch attacks cool-season grasses like creeping bentgrass, bluegrass, fescues, zoysiagrass and perennial ryegrass, especially during cool, wet weather. When temperature