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5 Fresh Landscape Design Ideas for Home and Business

Landscape design is one of those things that just just looks a lot easier than it really is. It takes thought and creativity to be successful at it but at the same time it also takes a fair degree of knowledge. Knowledge about ideas, both new and old for that you can use to make your finished project stand out and the following are five of them.

#1 Take a little time to read online about soil pH. Soil pH is the level of acidity is contained in your soil, and all soil has a pH number. All plants also have a certain pH level that they thrive in. So you'll need to learn how to first test to determine your soil pH and then how to raise or lower it in accordance to the various plants requirements.

Keep in mind that any time you have fertilizer to the soil it's going to also add more acid to the soil as well. So along with adding fertilizer and the acids they contain you'll need to learn how to use products like hydrated lime and crushed oyster shell to help lower the acid level when you fertilize. Lime products are cheap and readily available at your garden store.

#2 Check out what's available in the way of solar power powered products and systems for landscape design. Solar power has come a long way in recent years, so now there's a broad range of easy to install, off-the-shelf products and systems that come ready to go right out of the box.

Solar powered water features and lighting systems for example do away with having to dig trenches and lay conduit for standard lighting systems. Also because solar systems are low-voltage they also do away with the risk of electric shock. Solar power is also a great option for someone looking to cut their carbon footprint.

#3 Large craggy boulders add a natural earthy effect to landscape design, and they're also about as low maintenance as you can get. Once a large landscaping boulder is set in place it requires no more care beyond that and as time goes on, if it's regularly sprinkled with water Moss will grow on a landscape boulder which works to increase its character.

Landscape boulders can be surprisingly expensive though, particularly in metropolitan areas where they have to be shipped in. If you live on the outskirts of the city on the other hand you can you can locate independent operators by looking in the classified section of your local newspaper. They'll have better prices and better selection as well.

A Few Final Words:

Take care to gauge your level of security as you come up to your landscape design to decide on the value of the plants and features to want to include into it. Certain species of palm trees, for example, can be quite expensive which puts them at risk of theft. The same thing applies to valuable statuary, so keep this in mind as you draw up your landscape design.
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