- 1). Measure the width or thickness of the brick pavers, depending on how you want to set them into place. Use the measurement to dig a slightly wider trench where you wish to place the edging border. Dig the trench with a garden spade or other digging tool such as a shovel, hoe or mattock. Dig the trench down 3 inches.
- 2). Compact the soil in the site to prevent the edging from settling below the surface of the ground. Use a soil tamper to pound the bottom of the trench. For trenches more narrow than your soil tamper, you can make a soil tamper from any flat-ended object you can safely and comfortable pound against the ground.
- 3). Apply a 1-inch thick layer of crushed stone into the bottom of the trench. Compact this layer of gravel using the soil tamper or other tamping tool to create a firm foundation for your edging.
- 4). Set the first brick paver into place on top of the crushed stone layer. Visually level the brick paver with the slop of the surrounding land or use a level to level brick paver edging placed around the border of patios and other level surfaces.
- 5). Tap the pavers into place using a rubber mallet. A rubberized mallet prevents you from damaging the brick pavers. Leave the pavers sticking up between a half-inch and an inch above the lay of the land--any morecould result in damage to your lawn mower. If necessary, lift the pavers back up and add additional crushed stone to the trench.