- 1). Meet with the land owner prior to beginning the mowing job to walk the grounds and take notes about the land owner's preferences. Some land owners expect edging, trimming and yard waste elimination to come with the mowing job. Discuss all the lawn services you are able to offer and make a complete list of what the owner wants performed.
- 2). Submit a bid to the land owner for the work he is requesting. Calculate a bid by multiplying the number of hours you expect it will take to complete the job by the hourly wage you are requesting and add all costs related to fuel, transport and yard waste elimination. Some owners will try to bargain down the price of the first bid so it may be advantageous to estimate slightly high.
- 3). Reach an agreed price with the land owner and fill out a duplicating receipt that details the work and the price. Ask her to sign the top copy of the receipt and tear out a copy for her to keep.
- 4). Invite the land owner to come with you on a tour of the grounds after all the mowing work is completed. Ask him if he is satisfied with the quality of the work and redo any parts of the lawn he has a problem with. Showing him that you are willing to follow his instruction builds the case for full payment and causes some land owners to over pay.
- 5). Let the land owner know what forms of payment you are willing to accept. Accepting only cash reduces the chances of nonpayment due to an unsupported check or canceled credit card. Be gracious in accepting the payment and let the owner know that you enjoy doing business with her.