- If you decide to detassel your corn, it must be done before the pollination of the plants, which occurs near the end of July. To detassel, grab the top of the corn plant and remove the pollen-containing tassels. These look like thick sticks pointing from the top of the plant. This work cannot be completed by a machine because the height of corn plants vary.
- Detasseling is done to create hybrid varieties of corn, and it is commonly done by large seed companies. If you grow two varieties of corn in alternating rows, completely detasseling all of the plants in one of the varieties will force the two plant varieties to cross-breed and create a hybrid. This can be done to improve the taste or output of a plant. For example, growing a tasty variety of corn in a field with a variety that produces a lot of ears will hopefully result in seeds for a high-producing and flavorful corn variety for next season.
- If you are growing just one variety of corn in your own home vegetable garden, detasseling will prevent the production of seeds for next season. If you prefer to plant seedlings, then detasseling might be a good idea. If you have a large garden and want to create your own hybrid plants, then grow the varieties side by side and detassel all of one variety's plants. Large corn seed producers choose to detassel to maximize profit with their hybrid varieties.
- If you live in a corn-producing area, many teenagers and young adults detassel in the summer to make some extra money. Detasseling only lasts about 20 days in July, so corn producers look for local people to help out with these short-term jobs. If you are interested in detasseling, contact a local farmer to find out how to get one of these summer jobs. There are also businesses in some areas that provide detasseling services for farmers.
Detasseling Corn
The Purpose of Detasseling
Detasseling Decision