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China Pink Plants For Your Garden

The china pink is a brilliant garden plant.
You can prune and shape this plant into a hedge or whatever shape you like.
It would work well as a potted plant as well as a larger garden plant.
It could grow to 1.
5 meters in height and 2 meters in diameter.
Although you can always prune the plant to a smaller frame if desired.
The foliage for the plant is a burgundy or maroon color which produces these china pink flowers during the spring months.
I have noticed that when the plant is younger, the foliage can look a darker green, but still very attractive.
The burgundy foliage seems to appear more around the outside edges of the plant.
If you prune the plant back hard, you will lose much of the burgundy color from the foliage, leaving more green.
This can be used as a design technique, depending on the result you are after for your garden.
It is a very low maintenance plant which I believe is a little gem of a secret that not many gardeners seem to know about or care to plant.
Apparently it was discovered in the Hunan province of China.
It loves a sunny position in the garden, but can also tolerate light frosts.
Keep in mind that this plant will not flower as much if it is kept in a shady or partial sunny position.
You will find this plant available in most garden shops and nurseries.
I have always found the plant costing $8 to $15 depending on the size of the pot and plant.
Planting the china pink slightly above ground level with some blood and bone around the drip line of the foliage works wonders.
I also add a small amount of sulphate of potash over the blood and bone and water in well.
Though the plant can cope well with a dry spell, it loves a good watering and I always mulch around the plant to save water.
The cuttings from the china pink work very well as cuttings kept in vases for the purposes of display.
The striking pink flowers work very well against the burgundy or green foliage and keep for many days in flower vases.
If you want this plant to grow well, always remember to tip prune from a young age.
Once the china pink is a few years old, it will be a great flowering plant producing amazing pink flowers on top of the beautiful burgundy foliage.
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