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Types of Pallet Racks


    • There are many different types of pallet racks, and the most common are used in the selective pallet racking system. It usually comes in two configurations: roll-formed and the structural bolt-together style. The roll-formed rack is composed of pallets resting on columns which are supported by beams placed on teardrop-shaped holes on the columns for quick moving and adjustment. Structural pallet racks have their load beams attached with bolts to accommodate greater weight-bearing capacity.


    • Pallet rack systems are usually composed of upright frames, load beams, diagonal and horizontal braces and pallet supports; the load beams hold the load stored on the rack while the upright frames serve to support the load beams. The diagonal and horizontal braces, on the other hand, form the upright frame lacing and are bolted in the columns of the rack, and pallet supports are the roll-formed channels between the load beams. Forklifts are commonly used in handling and storing items into the racks.


    • Since pallet racking systems hold heavy loads, further support is required to keep everything stored together in place. Wire decking is thus used as a safety precaution to prevent the structure from collapsing, and this is done by means of using wire mesh on the decks. The mesh structure serves a number of benefits, as it not only evenly distributes the weight of the stored load but it also helps in easier identification of the material and prevents dirt from being stored on the shelves.

    Other Types

    • There are other types of pallet racking systems, which focus more on utilizing space density. These include the drive-in and drive-through systems, the push-back pallet rack and the pallet flow systems--all of which have narrower aisle lanes and make way for greater organization as the load is stored in a rather sequenced manner.


    • Pallet racking systems provide many advantages, especially for storage operations. They are able to use as much of the given space for storage, they effectively store and keep materials in proper designations to avoid confusion, and are cheaper in terms of handling and storage costs.

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