- 1). Spread thinset mortar along one side of the porch surface with your notched trowel. Spread it from end to end and make it as wide as the membrane, usually four feet.
- 2). Lay your first course of uncoupling membrane over the mortar. Press it firmly. Cut it at the end with a utility knife to fit.
- 3). Spread additional mortar over the area next to the first membrane course. Set the second course in the same manner. Repeat, course by course, working your way across the floor. Cover the whole surface. Let the mortar set overnight.
- 4). Use your chalk snapline to divide the floor into four sections, with two perpendicular lines running across the middle of the floor and intersecting in the middle.
- 5). Spread down a layer of thinset mortar over the middle intersection, covering enough of it to hold four tiles.
- 6). Press four tiles in place at the intersection, putting spacers between them. Spread additional mortar and press additional tiles, building out from the center along the lines. Cover the whole floor. Cut the tiles at the edges of the porch with a tile cutter.
- 7). Let the tiles set overnight. Pull out the spacers. Spread grout over the tiles with a grout float, pressing the grout down into the spaces between the tiles and squeezing it off the tile face. Use a damp sponge to take up the residual grout. Let it set for 48 hours.