Picking the Best Embryo for IVF
Genetic fingerprinting can find the best embryo in a batch, upping the odds of success for single-implant in vitro fertilization.
Genetic fingerprinting can find the best embryo in a batch, upping the odds of success for single-implant in vitro fertilization.
If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while without success, you are not alone. It is simply harder for some women to conceive than others. However don't panic because there are some very important steps you can take to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
There are a 4 key natural factors which can influence the gender of your baby. 1. The general condition of the body Certain elements within the father and mother's body can influence whether or not you conceive a boy or a girl.
WebMD helps you understand why prenatal vitamins are important for your health and the health of your unborn baby during pregnancy.
The trying to conceive journey can take its toll on the best of us and this includes those who have been through tubal reversal. Sometimes if we feel that we are being consumed a break may be in order.
Looking for tips on how to chose your baby's name? Here are some important things to keep in mind when looking at baby names.
Surely it is an old wives' tale? You can't really choose the sex of your baby simply by using a certain sexual position, can you? This is a question I have heard many a time. People are so skeptical when it comes to believing that we really can have an influence over the gender of our chil
Chemo, radiation given after first trimester did not raise health risks for children
What's the link between pregnancy and gum disease?
Equation Just as Good as Ultrasound, Easier to Use
Are the ankle and the wrist accurate sites to measure SpO2 in sick neonates?
If you are in your final stages of your pregnancy and perhaps overdue, you are probably looking for ways to speed up the labor process and induce labor using the safest and most natural way. You probably have also come across tips on inducing labor using acupressure.
Pregnancy is a miraculous time in any women's life. It is amazing that a new life is beginning to grow inside of you.
Contraceptives with estrogen are know to increase the risk of blood clots and when you have moderate to high antiphospholipid antibodies you should stay away from combination hormonal contraceptives. There are early reports that suggested there was an increase risk of lupus flares with the use of co
Acupuncture and exercises to help stabilize the pelvis and lower back help ease pelvic/hip pain during pregnancy, say Swedish researchers.
Struggling to get pregnant can be a herculean task, especially when you have tried out so many things which didn't work. For some, depression and frustration starts to set in, while others would rather not ...
3D Ultrasound Twin A - 18 Weeks
You and your partner are expecting the birth date of your baby. You won't surely repress the excitement and anxiety during weeks of pregnancy. Everyday, you may wish that you can see the gradual growth ...
Whenever you are having a baby, it can be a very exciting time in your life! There is a lot of planning that needs to be done, but on that same note, it's hard to plan if you do not know the gender of the baby. That is why baby gender prediction is such a big deal.
When deciding between birth control methods or talking about contraceptive options, it could be helpful to familiarize yourself with what the contraceptive looks like. By familiarizing yourself with, at least the look (and even the feel) of the contraceptive, it may be easier to choose a method that