Health & Medical: Useful Infertility Information For Everyone

Useful Infertility Information For Everyone

Inability to conceive is often referred to as infertility, but most people mistake infertility for impotence. The inability to become pregnant is not the sole determinant of infertility.

Health & Medical: Fatigue During Pregnancy - How to Deal With Tiredness While Pregnant

Fatigue During Pregnancy - How to Deal With Tiredness While Pregnant

If you asked most women they would probably say that fatigue during pregnancy is one of the most difficult symptoms to deal with. It's hard to stay energized when all you want to do is curl up on the bed and float off to the Land of Nod. Here we will look at simple things you can do to eliminat

Health & Medical: Fertility Challenges Requires a Doctor’S Help

Fertility Challenges Requires a Doctor’S Help

Getting pregnant is sometimes a challenge for many housewives. There are many possibilities for your inability to conceive which could be detected or determined by a competent physician that could also advise you on how ...

Health & Medical: Is There Higher Risk If I Don't Wait to Conceive After Miscarriage?

Is There Higher Risk If I Don't Wait to Conceive After Miscarriage?

Although it is always best to discuss your pregnancy plans with a doctor, there's no solid evidence that it is necessary to wait a set amount of time before trying to conceive after a miscarriage, especially if the miscarriage happened very early in the pregnancy.

Health & Medical: Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of early pregnancy symptoms including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: 3 Exercises For Pregnant Women

3 Exercises For Pregnant Women

Pregnant women naturally increase in size due to high appetite and the presence of another life inside the womb. Call it a blessing because you are about to deliver an amazing replica of your greatness and your better-half's. On the other side of the coin, being pregnant is gift in disguise bec

Health & Medical: Moderate Coffee Drinking OK in Pregnancy

Moderate Coffee Drinking OK in Pregnancy

New guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say that moderate caffeine intake by pregnant women won't increase their risk of miscarriage or preterm birth.

Health & Medical: Understanding Morning Sickness and Some Remedies

Understanding Morning Sickness and Some Remedies

Commonly the very first signal of being pregnant is morning illness and one may suffer the issues as soon as 2 weeks after the day of getting pregnant. In spite of it currently being referred ...

Health & Medical: Using a Calculator to Approximate a New Birth Day

Using a Calculator to Approximate a New Birth Day

Most women need to understand that it is important to retain the date of the first day of a last menstrual cycle when becoming pregnant. This day is known as the "LMP," or last menstrual period. This is used in the usual method for calculating a due date, unless of course you happen to be

Health & Medical: Can Extreme Stress Cause Birth Defects?

Can Extreme Stress Cause Birth Defects?

Sudden, extremely stressful events that happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy, like losing an older child, may put some women at risk for having a baby with birth defects. But for a pregnant woman going through a traumatic time, there are also ways to cope with the situation that could ...

Health & Medical: What Is Considered Poor Sperm Motility?

What Is Considered Poor Sperm Motility?

A sperm's motility explains its ability to move progressively to the egg. Movement is essential for egg fertilization. Before undergoing any fertility testing, couples should understand what it means to have poor sperm motility.

Health & Medical: Exposure to Methyl Iodide During Pregnancy

Exposure to Methyl Iodide During Pregnancy

Methyl iodide, also known as iodomethane, is a chemical commonly used in pesticides. Some research suggests that exposure to methyl iodide during pregnancy could increase the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.