Pregnant women naturally increase in size due to high appetite and the presence of another life inside the womb.
Call it a blessing because you are about to deliver an amazing replica of your greatness and your better-half's.
On the other side of the coin, being pregnant is gift in disguise because you are limited with your movements.
But hey, you have a baby on the way, so what's to clamor about? If you are worried about the pounds you gain, that's too unlikely.
You can think about after you deliver your child.
In the meantime, you can just indulge in 3 best exercises for pregnant women.
At least, you have your way to stretch and move without threatening you and your little one.
Seated High Row.
This allows you to toughen your upper back.
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched outward.
Bend your knees a little and make sure your spine is in a fine position.
You can wrap an exercise tube around your feet and cross it to create an "X" letter beyond your legs.
Each of your hand must get hold of the handle.
Draw the handles backward but keeping your elbows up and back instead of taken out to the sides.
Your upper arms must be held vertically with the floor and shoulders are to be down.
Leg Raise Crawl.
This gives toughness to your hamstrings and buttocks.
Aside from that, it will allow your baby to be at rest in the proper head-down pose while executing the exercise.
Get down with your body weight equally spread and your arms stretched straightly.
Raise your left knee slowly and take it toward your elbow.
After this, you can stretch your leg out and back.
As you do it, don't curl your back.
Don't lock your knee either.
Skater's Lunge.
Who says pregnant women can't exercise? One of the routines they can do is the skater's lunge.
This will enable you to firm your hamstrings, buttocks, upper hip, thighs and quadriceps.
You see, you are targeting several muscles.
Stand straight up and grasp your hips with your hands.
Or you can also hold onto the chair's back part.
Put all your weight to your left foot by having your right foot's toes held on the ground.
Bend your right knee accordingly and tighten your belly to maintain a very impartial position of your spine.
Bend your left knee as you push right foot out toward the side at a slanting position.
Pregnant women can do these routines lightly and carefully.
They are aimed at strengthening your muscles especially your upper body and abs muscles that give support to your womb where the baby rests on.
Call it a blessing because you are about to deliver an amazing replica of your greatness and your better-half's.
On the other side of the coin, being pregnant is gift in disguise because you are limited with your movements.
But hey, you have a baby on the way, so what's to clamor about? If you are worried about the pounds you gain, that's too unlikely.
You can think about after you deliver your child.
In the meantime, you can just indulge in 3 best exercises for pregnant women.
At least, you have your way to stretch and move without threatening you and your little one.
Seated High Row.
This allows you to toughen your upper back.
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched outward.
Bend your knees a little and make sure your spine is in a fine position.
You can wrap an exercise tube around your feet and cross it to create an "X" letter beyond your legs.
Each of your hand must get hold of the handle.
Draw the handles backward but keeping your elbows up and back instead of taken out to the sides.
Your upper arms must be held vertically with the floor and shoulders are to be down.
Leg Raise Crawl.
This gives toughness to your hamstrings and buttocks.
Aside from that, it will allow your baby to be at rest in the proper head-down pose while executing the exercise.
Get down with your body weight equally spread and your arms stretched straightly.
Raise your left knee slowly and take it toward your elbow.
After this, you can stretch your leg out and back.
As you do it, don't curl your back.
Don't lock your knee either.
Skater's Lunge.
Who says pregnant women can't exercise? One of the routines they can do is the skater's lunge.
This will enable you to firm your hamstrings, buttocks, upper hip, thighs and quadriceps.
You see, you are targeting several muscles.
Stand straight up and grasp your hips with your hands.
Or you can also hold onto the chair's back part.
Put all your weight to your left foot by having your right foot's toes held on the ground.
Bend your right knee accordingly and tighten your belly to maintain a very impartial position of your spine.
Bend your left knee as you push right foot out toward the side at a slanting position.
Pregnant women can do these routines lightly and carefully.
They are aimed at strengthening your muscles especially your upper body and abs muscles that give support to your womb where the baby rests on.