Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Using a Calculator to Approximate a New Birth Day

Most women need to understand that it is important to retain the date of the first day of a last menstrual cycle when becoming pregnant.
This day is known as the "LMP," or last menstrual period.
This is used in the usual method for calculating a due date, unless of course you happen to be charting, then the date of ovulation can be used.
Most women can remember the LMP and this is typically the date to go with.
Unfortunately, many women who either do not remember or experience irregular cycles are sent for an ultrasound after a first visit to an OBGYN (Obstetrician-Gynaecologist).
If you do know the LMP, this date will be used to ballpark the date the baby can be expected to deliver.
Ballpark? Nothing is Ever Exact, Is It? There is no need getting hung up on a expected date since it is never going to be absolutely precise.
Babies birth when they are good and ready, anyway, they can't read even if you have the calculated expected date circled on a calendar mounted in plain sight in every room of the house.
Keep in mind that if this is your first pregnancy, gestation typically runs 41 weeks, so do not be surprised.
Doctors will be seeking induction beyond this point so establishing a date allows a first-time pregnant woman to make the necessary plans well in advance.
Use of an ultrasound early in pregnancy is also reliable for determining gestational age.
There are not reliable in the middle or toward the ends of pregnancies since foetus growth rate varies greatly from one baby to another.
However, used early in the first trimester can allow a doctor to make a very good expected date estimate.
Established Due Date Sets Planning in Place: Once a pregnant woman - or a couple for that matter - has an established date the next nine months can be planned in various stages.
This is why an online due date calculator is an important tool.
Additionally, these sites that present an online calculator also provide a great deal of information and advice that helps women understand pregnancy and what to expect.
The many stages of pregnancy present many different body changes in both the mum and the foetus.
Knowing what to expect - and how to handle it - will eliminate any surprises and scares.
When prepared, a great deal of stress can be avoided.
Prenatal Care Remains Incredibly Important: Once a due date has been calculated, plans for effective prenatal care can be put into motion.
Proper nutrition and exercise can help in promoting great foetus health and growth as well as condition expectant mums to better handle gestation.
There are different things happening at different times during pregnancy, so mums armed with the correct information will be better suited to handle all pregnancy challenges that they will meet during the nine months.
These pregnancy information sites offer a variety of helpful planning tools besides use of an online calculator.
Taking advantage of this information will also reduce any stress from not knowing what to expect.
When doing a search for an online due date calculator, results returned will reveal many different sites where entering LMP information will calculate a due date.
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