Health & Medical: What You Should Know About How to Get Pregnant at 47

What You Should Know About How to Get Pregnant at 47

When you reach the age of 47, you might probably have everything -- your own house, a happy marriage, maturity, and wisdom. In that time, you are probably asking the big question amongst women this age which is how to get pregnant at 47.

Health & Medical: Complications of High Risk Pregnancy.

Complications of High Risk Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time for joy. But when you're facing the risk of complications, anxiety, fear and uncertainty can take over. The term high-risk pregnancy does not in any way mean that you're destined to ...

Health & Medical: Lupus and Pregnancy-Topic Overview

Lupus and Pregnancy-Topic Overview

Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus,or SLE) doesn't generally affect a woman's ability to conceive. However,if you are having a lupus flare or are taking corticosteroid medicines,you may have irregular menstrual cycles,making it difficult to plan a pregnancy. If you plan to have a baby or ar

Health & Medical: 3 Secrets to Get a Baby Girl

3 Secrets to Get a Baby Girl

Have you ever wanted a baby girl? Or have you tried to get a baby girl and keep failing every time and you have tried everything? If you have, here are 3 simple but effective ways to get a baby daughter naturally and safely!

Health & Medical: Adoption - Important Things to Consider

Adoption - Important Things to Consider

When you make a decision to adopt, you have the option whether the adoption will be confidential, open, or semi-open. The pros and cons of open adoption is been a continuously debate among social workers and lawyers. Some believe that open adoption is a better choice for everyone involved while othe

Health & Medical: 5 Reasons to Take an Early Pregnancy Class

5 Reasons to Take an Early Pregnancy Class

An early pregnancy class is designed to help you get the basics of pregnancy down, sometimes before the start of your prenatal care, so that you know what's going on with baby.

Health & Medical: The Top 5 Tips That Pregnancy Diets Miss

The Top 5 Tips That Pregnancy Diets Miss

When it comes to choosing from the many pregnancy diets available out there, you want to make sure you find one that is balanced and sensible. Changing your diet overnight to accommodate your pregnancy can ...

Health & Medical: To couples who are looking for infertility doctors

To couples who are looking for infertility doctors

Dear friends - who now are called "Infertile"! First of all, I want you to know that I am not expert, but I deeply understand what you are feeling. I write this article for you ...

Health & Medical: Week 16 of Pregnancy - Ultrasound

Week 16 of Pregnancy - Ultrasound

With the second trimester in full swing, you're welcoming week 16. How are you feeling? Can you feel baby yet? Is your belly showing?

Health & Medical: Understanding Week 4 of Pregnancy

Understanding Week 4 of Pregnancy

It's this week that you might actually discover that you might be pregnant, it's about now that you would be expecting your menstrual cycle to start but nothing is happening, instead you might start to experience the early signs of pregnancy like tender breasts, slight nausea, extra tiredn

Health & Medical: Foods to Eat When Pregnant - Pregnancy Diet

Foods to Eat When Pregnant - Pregnancy Diet

Now that you have a new life growing inside you, you must pay careful attention to what foods to eat when pregnant. Your pregnancy diet has a large effect on the growth, development and health of your baby.

Health & Medical: The Effects of Smoking in Pregnancy

The Effects of Smoking in Pregnancy

There are many vital problems in the world. Some are big and some are small. Such as Aid's problem, smoking problem, sound problem, electricity problem, pure water problem, drug addiction and many others problems etc.

Health & Medical: Mastering Maternity By Meeting Your Community

Mastering Maternity By Meeting Your Community

Are you pregnant and want support in order to navigate this exciting and challenging experience? There is a community of experienced birth workers and parents to help guide you through. It's up to you to find them.