Health & Medical: 'Miracle' Health Claims: Add a Dose of Skepticism

'Miracle' Health Claims: Add a Dose of Skepticism

Whether they're looking for a short cut to losing weight or a cure for a serious ailment, consumers may be spending billions of dollars a year on unproven, fraudulently marketed, often useless health-related products, devices and treatments. The FTC and FDA have put together a guide to help spo

Health & Medical: Footrest Back Pain

Footrest Back Pain

In adults trouble arises when undue strain is put on the foot when the feet are not on a foot rest resulting in footrest back pain. The foot is a remarkably flexible organ of the human body which adapts itself to supporting the continuous shifting weight of the body. The foot muscles work the tendon

Health & Medical: How to Prevent Back Pain With Traditional Athletic Abdominal Conditioning

How to Prevent Back Pain With Traditional Athletic Abdominal Conditioning

Prevent back pain with traditional athletic abdominal conditioning. There are many non evasive strategies worth trying in regards to back pain prevention plus you can have better looking abs at the pool or beach and you certainly can find more fun ways to spend your time.

Health & Medical: Health Benefits of Nopal Cactus

Health Benefits of Nopal Cactus

For those suffering from joint pain, swelling, inflammation and stiffness, most of the treatments are based on prescribed medicines that have side effects. However, there are natural products that can help limit flare ups and can actually reduce inflammation of the joints. The healths benefits of th

Health & Medical: I Have a Migraine Headache

I Have a Migraine Headache

I've been around several people that use the word Migraine, when they talk about having a headeache. Do these people actually have migraines? What is a migraine, and are there ways to relieve them? These are some of the questions I will answer.

Health & Medical: Looking For Joint Pain Relief? Ask Yourself These 3 Important Questions

Looking For Joint Pain Relief? Ask Yourself These 3 Important Questions

My goal in writing is to give pertinent and timely information that when applied will deliver results in some degree (depending on your particular condition, of course). I understand that living with joint pain can be and often is exhausting. Knowing what to do is often confusing and disheartening.

Health & Medical: 7 Common Causes of Back Pain - Why You Have It

7 Common Causes of Back Pain - Why You Have It

Got back pain? You are not alone. Most people have, at one point in their lives, experienced back pain - and unfortunately, some have continually suffered since then.

Health & Medical: Ansaid Flurbiprofen Can Help With Arthritis And Rheumatism

Ansaid Flurbiprofen Can Help With Arthritis And Rheumatism

Ansaid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat inflammation, fevers, and pain in the body. As a group, NSAIDs are used to relieve mild to moderate pain caused by many conditions, including arthritis.Ansaid Flubiprofen is prescribed for treatment of pain and inflammation cause

Health & Medical: Foot Deformity - Haglund's Deformity

Foot Deformity - Haglund's Deformity

Foot deformity encompasses a wide range of problems. Here we are only going to look at few of those. First, we need to know that the foot is like any other limb or part of the body, packed with nerves, muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons, and blood vessels. Your feet must carry your weight plus an

Health & Medical: Back Pain Surgery - 5 Types of Spine Surgery For Your Back Pain

Back Pain Surgery - 5 Types of Spine Surgery For Your Back Pain

Spine surgery is a medical option that doctors usually recommend for treating severe and continuous back pain conditions. This treatment option is often applied as a last resort when all other conservative treatments have been exhausted. Hence, doctors may recommend that the surgery be applied at le

Health & Medical: When to Call a Chiropractor

When to Call a Chiropractor

If the pain has lasted more than seven days, it's certainly time to make an appointment with your chiropractor. More simple muscle pain will usually dissipate within a few days, so it is important to call your doctor if the pain has not ceased after a full week.

Health & Medical: Headaches, The Cause and the Solution - Always Check With a Doctor

Headaches, The Cause and the Solution - Always Check With a Doctor

MIGRAINES. The causation and the healing The most frequent forms of headaches are the migraine, the tension and the cluster headache. Theory of the migraine is usually only 1 active substance, ergotamine, the alkaloid of the grain ergot and its chemical derivatives.

Health & Medical: Types of Headache

Types of Headache

There are hundreds of types of headaches. What complicates matters even more is that no two people seem to suffer headaches for the exact same reason. The same person can also suffer from many different conditions that all result in a headache. It is important to go to a doctor to get a proper diagn

Health & Medical: Methods to Alleviate Sciatic Nerve Pain

Methods to Alleviate Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain is often a cause of pressure on the sciatic nerve caused by inflamed muscles around it. The sciatic nerve is very long which starts from the back and runs down to the legs. That is why when you start feeling sciatic nerve pain, it will start in your lower back going down to your f