Health & Medical Pain Diseases

7 Common Causes of Back Pain - Why You Have It

Got back pain? You are not alone.
Most people have, at one point in their lives, experienced back pain - and unfortunately, some have continually suffered since then.
Having back problems, especially if the pain is recurring, would affect one, in that it would limit the range of activities that one may be able to do.
One will have to be more careful in anything that would involve his or her back - whether in carrying out normal household chores, in exercising and in lifting weights especially those involving the back muscles, or in any activities in the course of one's job that involves lifting of heavy materials.
Back Pain - Your Type Acute: If the pain you experience in your back lasts only in short period of time - from a few days to a couple of weeks - then yours may be what is called an acute type of back pain.
Acute back pain is usually caused by a trauma to the back, such as injuries to the bony elements and soft tissues of your back.
This type is one that has been known to be a very sharp pain, usually felt deep in the lower back, and on a specific portion - like the left side, right side, center, etc.
Chronic: If it is one that lasts for a longer period as a couple of months or a paint that recurs - then it may be a chronic type of back pain.
Chronic back pain may have resulted from arthritis, nerve damage or perhaps from a previous injury.
Patients for this type of back pain will usually experience numbness and a burning sensation from the back down to one's legs.
Also, the legs will feel what is usually called a pins-and-needles type of pain.
Neuropathic: Previously placed under the chronic category, but due to different feel of the pain, which has been described by patients as severe, stabbing, lightning-like, etc - have paved the way for this third type of back pain.
In this specific case, the signs of the original injury are no longer seen, but certain nerves continue to tell the brain that there is still pain.
The pain may be felt along the nerve path from the spine to the arms or legs.
Whatever your type of back pain is, it is best to refer this to your family doctor to know the severity of your back problem, and the specific tests you may have to go through.
Having your case referred initially to your physician, will give you a good guide on your way to go; and of course, you will benefit from the professional advice given with regards to the proper care of your back.
Back Pain and Its Causes 1.
) Strains and Sprains When muscles of the lumbar spine rip and tear, this is what is referred to as muscle strain.
This result from carrying or lifting a heavy load, with the back muscles, either not well warmed up or is not strong enough to take on the weight.
When the injury is on the ligaments, this is a sprain.
This happens when there is an overstretching of said ligaments that causes tear.
Strains and sprains often occur together.
Both injuries are collectively called as musculoligamentous injuries.
These are usually brought about by many reasons as poor posture, excess body weight, inappropriate intense exercise regimen, heavy lifting and improper lifting techniques.
While some may immediately experience the pain and soreness, others feel it around two to three hours when irritation sets in.
The spasm experienced, which prevents one from moving freely, is the body's way of immobilizing the injured area to prevent any more damage to it.
) Ruptured Intervertebral Disc A ruptured disc or what is also referred to as a herniated disc or a slipped disc, is one in which a disc is pushed outside its normal place.
In this case the spinal nerves and the spinal cord for that matter become pinched.
Usually this situation happens when one encounters an accident, or makes a dangerous fall.
Below are the different classifications: o Disc protrusion - This results when the intervertebral disc bulges out without causing tear on the annulus fibrosis.
This annulus fibrosis is the disc's fibrous outer envelope - as opposed to the nucleus pulposus that is the soft center of the disc.
o Disc extrusion - This occurs when the nucleus pulposus leaks out due to a tear in the annulus fibrosis.
o Disc prolapse - A sudden increase in pressure that injures the outer fibrous ring and causes the jelly-like substance inside to leak out.
o Sequestrated disc - This happens when there are disc fragments that become separated from the disc.
Along with the back pain, this is also accompanied with leg pains as the thighs and foot.
Patients also experience muscle weakness especially in the ankles since the signals from the brain are interrupted due to the nerve irritation.
) Spinal Stenosis This causes back pain due to the narrowing of the spinal canal.
This is a condition common to both men and women with ages over 50.
Also, those who work on labor-intensive jobs are susceptible to such condition.
This condition may be inherited or acquired, but is most often due to degenerative arthritis.
The bony formations, the thickening of joint tissues and the degeneration of the discs narrow the space in the spinal canal, which places pressure or compression on the spinal cord or the nerve roots.
The back pain caused here may also go together with pains and numbness in the legs and feet, or arms and hands - depending on the specific part of the back the compression takes place.
If it is on the neck portion or on the cervical region - the upper extremities are affected, such as the arms; if it is on the lower back or on the lumbar region - the lower extremities are affected, such as the legs.
) Osteoarthritis of the Spine Arthritis simply defined, is the inflammation of a joint.
One common type is osteoarthritis.
This is a joint disease that affects the hips, knees, back, neck and hands.
This is often referred to as degenerative joint disease caused by the wear and tear of the joint's tissue or cartilage.
This condition is mainly attributed to the wearing of the cartilage with less repair process.
Other few factors include genetics, age, weight, and previous injuries that were either brought about by demands of high intensity sports & exercise, and of jobs requiring strenuous activities.
) Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing means causing stiffness to a joint, while spondylitis means inflammation of the vertebrae or a defect in the vertebra bone.
This leads to mobility loss of the spine and will make it difficult for one to move.
This is a condition in which the ligaments and tendons are inflamed.
This inflammation damages the bone.
With this, the body naturally heals the damage by growing new bone for the vertebrae, which becomes fused with the spine.
This fusion as it progresses causes the spine to curve forward through time.
) Osteoporosis Often referred to as the silent disease, because one will not be able to see signs and symptoms of losing bone mass, but will only realize it after a bone is broken.
In this case, bone density decreases thereby weakening the strength of the bone, which leads one to be susceptible to injuries as fractures.
A fractured vertebrae or spine will cause back pain and may take a good number of months before it heals.
Having osteoporosis would mean that one has weaker bones and could not sufficiently support one's body weight.
Age and gender play a part in the developing osteoporosis.
As one ages, one's bone mass gradually decreases.
Also, pregnant and lactating women will also experience loss of bone mass with the increased demands of calcium in their body.
) Fibromyalgia This condition may cause chronic back pain due to the inflammation of the connective tissue of one's body.
There is fatigue experienced by the individual, and this may last for years.
The degree of pain experienced by the person concerned may vary over time, and will be made worse with emotional stress also at play.
Other symptoms include having trouble sleeping, headaches, painful menstrual periods, and numbness on the extremities.
Also the widespread muscle pain and the tender points in the body as the neck, shoulder, hips, arms and legs will feel pain when applied with pressure.
Your Back's Structure Your back is a complex composition of the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments, discs and joints - and with the number of elements it has, the more chances for the back to be affected by any one injury on one of its parts.
Are you at risk? Certain people have a higher risk in experiencing back pain.
o As one grows older, the bone mass steadily and gradually decreases.
And without the proper vitamin supplementation, the inappropriate food diet, and the lack of a sound exercise program would make matters worse.
o Unhealthy and obese individuals are most likely to suffer with too much body weight they have to carry around with any activity they will undertake.
The pressure their body weight places on their backs will take its toll in the long run.
o Individuals whose work involves long periods of standing, and even sitting - and those whose jobs require a lot of lifting movements are also prone to having back pains.
o Individuals, who do heavy lifting without the proper education and the appropriate technique when doing the lift, have good chances in getting back injuries.
Also those who are on intense exercise programs, like weight lifting, may find themselves having back injuries and back pains for that matter, if they will not perform their exercises properly as advised by professional trainers.
Root Cause of Your Back Problems You should know the real cause of the back pain you are experiencing now.
Along with your age, medical history, and current state of health - will affect how your back pain will be effectively treated.
Knowing the causes of your back problems will make it easier for you and your doctor to come up with the right approach to remedy your situation.
With such information, one will be guided with what one has to do, and what one has to avoid.
While some may find it enough to place ice or heat, and make use of over the counter medications, it is always best to get professional help from your physician.
Your doctor will be able to ask questions that will lead to uncovering the root cause of your back problems.
Also, your doctor will be able to take note and document important details regarding your back's condition at different points in time, with monitoring on improvements or perhaps unfortunately - a continuing degradation over time, with specific treatments put in place.
With all these information regarding you and your back, and the medical expertise he holds, your physician will be able to give you the appropriate medical attention and treatment you need for your specific case.
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