Health & Medical Pain Diseases

What is Spinal Decompression?

If you must have medication on a daily basis to function; are limited in your activities; have had regular epidurals with no relief, are actually considering surgery but do not enjoy the idea of surgery for your pain, non-surgical spinal decompression may be for you.
If you have been told about all the options for your pain and have tried chiropractic and physical therapy and are still out of work due to the pain, you may be a prime candidate for spinal decompression.
Spinal decompression is a very non-invasive type of treatment for some kinds of back pain.
The mechanical decompression of the disks works by stretching the spine very slowly and gently so that the pressure on the compressed discs or vertebrae is released.
This is one of the newest medical treatments in years to help so many with severe back pain.
Some of the common conditions that spinal decompression will help to treat pain for include herniated discs, degenerative disc diseases, facet joint syndrome and arthritis.
For herniated discs, spinal decompression allows the pressure to be removed from damaged discs and the bulging areas are able to go back to normal size.
For degenerative disc disease, the pressure is removed so that the discs are able to sit in their most comfortable height.
Since the discs lose height when compressed, the vertebrae move close together and can be very painful.
Spinal decompression will help the nerves to be released and causes most of the pain to be eliminated.
With facet joint syndrome, the pain is caused by arthritis in the vertebrae.
When spinal decompression is used, there is more space placed between each vertebrae so that the pain abates.
The newest and most modern types of decompression include the Vax-D and DRX9000.
The Vax-D stands for vertebral axial decompression and is used for spinal decompression.
It is used to help restore the space between the intervertebral discs so that pain due to pressure on discs and nerves is gone.
This is commonly used for herniated discs and degenerative disc diseases.
This can also be used to help with posterior facet joint syndrome and even sciatica.
This machine is very precise and the chiropractor has total control over the entire spine using this machine.
The spinal decompression using this machine involves a patient getting anywhere from 15-25 treatments that each last about 30 minutes.
These treatments are given daily or closely together as possible.
The results include a positive and permanent reaction for as much as 75% of all patients.
The DRX9000 is another machine used in spinal decompression that treats many other types of spine troubles, and is FDA approved for back pain treatments.
There is less traction used to pull the spine for more space between the discs with this method.
The most common uses for this machine include herniated discs and degenerative disc disease as well as sciatica.
This is a computer controlled machine that is used very slowly to reduce injury if at all possible.
Treatments are daily for 2 weeks, then three times a week for 3 weeks.
Up to 86% of all patients seen a positive result.
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