Do you have plantar fasciitis or another kind of painful foot condition? Do one of your patients suffer from a diagnosis that could benefit from the use of foot orthotics? 1.
) Foot Orthotics (Custom vs.
Off The Shelf) Many stores currently sell off the shelf type of foot orthoses that can be of some value to patients that have foot pain.
(In this article, remember that the word "orthotics", or "orthoses" refers to the inserts people use in their shoes to help support their feet).
They can provide well needed padding and shock absorption.
This can be a benefit to patients with feet problems, especially when we stop and think about the amount of stress that is translated down to your feet in each and every step you take...
Custom foot orthoses, or "FOs" as many clinicians call them, can be a step better for people because they conform to the natural shape of your foot better than any off the shelf design can.
This is especially true when it comes to the shape of your arch.
- Moreover, when you get custom made FOs made for you, typically you are working with an orthotist that has medical training and will consider your situation more than a shoe store might, when it comes to foot orthotics.
) Two General Design Styles You will find that when you get foot orthoses (for yourself, or your patient) that they can come in two general different styles.
They can have other differences as well, but usually foot orthotics differ when it comes down to either plastic shells (and perhaps some padding to absorb shock) or a multi-durometer puff style foot.
There are many materials that can be used to accommodate for diabetic sores or for those of us that just need a little extra support for running.
More on this in later articles.
Just note that there are plastic foot orthotics that can be used to fit into less roomy shoes.
Multi-durometer FOs typically need more room in a shoe for the patient to use them effectively, but this does not mean they are clumsy in design.
Multi-durometer foot orthoses can be used for running shoes or any type of shoe with a little extra space.
) Finding An Orthotics Company Near You - Chicago Example To find an orthopedic brace company near you, that makes foot orthotics, just go to Google and type in some key information.
For example, if you live or work in Chicago then type in "foot orthotics" and "60611", or "foot orthotics Chicago".
A list of companies will come up and you will be well on your way to finding the foot orthotics you (or your patient) needs.
) Foot Orthotics (Custom vs.
Off The Shelf) Many stores currently sell off the shelf type of foot orthoses that can be of some value to patients that have foot pain.
(In this article, remember that the word "orthotics", or "orthoses" refers to the inserts people use in their shoes to help support their feet).
They can provide well needed padding and shock absorption.
This can be a benefit to patients with feet problems, especially when we stop and think about the amount of stress that is translated down to your feet in each and every step you take...
Custom foot orthoses, or "FOs" as many clinicians call them, can be a step better for people because they conform to the natural shape of your foot better than any off the shelf design can.
This is especially true when it comes to the shape of your arch.
- Moreover, when you get custom made FOs made for you, typically you are working with an orthotist that has medical training and will consider your situation more than a shoe store might, when it comes to foot orthotics.
) Two General Design Styles You will find that when you get foot orthoses (for yourself, or your patient) that they can come in two general different styles.
They can have other differences as well, but usually foot orthotics differ when it comes down to either plastic shells (and perhaps some padding to absorb shock) or a multi-durometer puff style foot.
There are many materials that can be used to accommodate for diabetic sores or for those of us that just need a little extra support for running.
More on this in later articles.
Just note that there are plastic foot orthotics that can be used to fit into less roomy shoes.
Multi-durometer FOs typically need more room in a shoe for the patient to use them effectively, but this does not mean they are clumsy in design.
Multi-durometer foot orthoses can be used for running shoes or any type of shoe with a little extra space.
) Finding An Orthotics Company Near You - Chicago Example To find an orthopedic brace company near you, that makes foot orthotics, just go to Google and type in some key information.
For example, if you live or work in Chicago then type in "foot orthotics" and "60611", or "foot orthotics Chicago".
A list of companies will come up and you will be well on your way to finding the foot orthotics you (or your patient) needs.