Health & Medical: Back Ache: Holistic Treatments for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Back Ache: Holistic Treatments for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica is really an affliction where the sciatic nerve is undoubtedly affected and causes a real back ache as well as pains in the buttocks, legs and feet. The sources of sciatica numbers among piriformis syndrome, herniated disc, lumbar injury or possibly spinal stenosis. Even though there are se

Health & Medical: Low Back Pain Is Inevitable, Expert Says

Low Back Pain Is Inevitable, Expert Says

Benjamin Franklin once said that two things are inevitable: death and taxes. So, too, is low back pain, according to Richard A. Deyo, MD, who predicts that every American will experience low back pain at some time in his or her life.

Health & Medical: Best Ankle Braces For Sprains

Best Ankle Braces For Sprains

How do you know if you have an ankle sprain? You will feel the obvious pain as well as experience bruising and swelling. How do you sprain your ankle?

Health & Medical: Directions for Using Excedrin

Directions for Using Excedrin

Available in a variety of different formulas, Excedrin is a combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. When used in its proper dose and according to package directions, it can be safe and effective to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation. Because of potential side effects and interactions,

Health & Medical: How to Live with Hemaplegic Migraines

How to Live with Hemaplegic Migraines

Hemaplegic migraines are uncommon, but a first experience with one can be quite frightening--not only for the person experiencing the migraine, but for their family and friends as well. A hemaplegic migraine generally mimics some of the same symptoms as stroke. It can affect speech, sight and/or bod

Health & Medical: Not Feeling the Pain of Bed Sores Can Be Deadly

Not Feeling the Pain of Bed Sores Can Be Deadly

Not feeling the pain of bed sores can be deadly.Not knowing when the biggest organ on your body is in trouble can lead to festering infections that cannot be cured.

Health & Medical: Find Out How You Can Cure Your Tennis Elbow Yourself

Find Out How You Can Cure Your Tennis Elbow Yourself

The pain and discomfort that comes with tennis elbow is well known to many sufferers of this ailment. Although the name suggests that only tennis players are at risk, this is far from the truth. Another not so well known fact is that there are many other things you can do yourself before grabbing th

Health & Medical: Choose Spine Team Wisely When Considering Back Surgery

Choose Spine Team Wisely When Considering Back Surgery

Ordinarily spine surgery will not be considered unless conservative non-surgical measures have failed, and even then "open" spine surgery is not often recommended. While most published statistics claim a success rate of approximately 80% for "open" spine surgery, physician practi

Health & Medical: Physical Exercises For Joint Pain Relief

Physical Exercises For Joint Pain Relief

Here is good news for those tormented with joint pain because of arthritis. You would not have to suffer doing nothing. You can actually do different forms of physical exercises to help relieve your joints back to its normal flexibility.

Health & Medical: How to Diagnose Headaches

How to Diagnose Headaches

Headaches are a common symptom associated with a wide range of medical conditions. Headaches typically fall into one of two categories: primary headaches and secondary headaches. Primary headaches include tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches, while secondary headaches are caused by a s

Health & Medical: The Daily Spine - The Worker-To-Desk Distance

The Daily Spine - The Worker-To-Desk Distance

Is your office workstation comfortable? What is the best worker desk distance when using an office computer desk? For workstation desks, there is an ideal placement to help you avoid neck pain, back pain and bad neck posture. Learn tips for an ergonomic desk setup for your office workstation.

Health & Medical: Chiropractic Care to Whiplash Injuries

Chiropractic Care to Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is referred to injuries to the muscles of the neck that are caused by a sudden movement of the head, backward, forward, or sideways during an accident. Symptoms include: neck pain, headache, blurred vision, etc. Chiropractic care can be used to cure whiplash. Chiropractic aims to optimize m

Health & Medical: Sleep and Pain

Sleep and Pain

The human body needs periods of uninterrupted time to rest, heal and restore energy. Generally speaking this time is the sleep period at night, but for chronic pain patients that may not be possible. Often pain is most severe for the chronic pain patient when they turn off the lights, lie down, and

Health & Medical: Back Pain Solutions - Treatments Your Doctor May Use

Back Pain Solutions - Treatments Your Doctor May Use

If you have persistent back pain, pain that lasts more than three months and you have tried the conservative treatment approach, it may be time for more aggressive treatments. Thanks to modern medicine your doctor has a number of possible solutions to relieve your pain. Here are five of the more com

Health & Medical: How Can I Get Rid Of My Jaw Pain?

How Can I Get Rid Of My Jaw Pain?

Cures for TMJ disorder (Temporomandibular joint disorder) can be found for all TMJ patients. For some people, the hard part may be finding a doctor or dentist in your area with experience in successfully treating TMJ patients. The main reason for the difficulty in finding a TMJ doctor is there are n

Health & Medical: How to Treat Restless Leg Syndrome - Simple Things You Can Do

How to Treat Restless Leg Syndrome - Simple Things You Can Do

Restless leg syndrome or RLS is a common condition that is characterized by discomfort in the legs that may range from the feeling of wanting to move it, itching, creeping, tingling and burning sensation. It can also lead to sleep problems as this discomfort often occurs when you are at rest.