Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Chiropractic Care to Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is referred to injuries to the muscles of the neck that are caused by a sudden movement of the head, backward, forward, or sideways during an accident.
Whether these result from a car accident, sports, or an accident at work, whiplash or other neck injuries demand a thorough chiropractic check-up.
The worst danger with whiplash injuries is that the symptoms can take years to develop.
The basic whiplash symptoms include neck pain and/or stiffness, blurred vision, difficulty in swallowing, irritability, headache, fatigue, pain between shoulder blades, dizziness, nausea and many more.
If one experiences any of these symptoms, he/she must get a chiropractic check up.
Chiropractic provides all the aspects of the mechanisms of neck sprain and hence is a good choice to cure whiplash.
The aim of chiropractic care in curing whiplash injuries is to optimize motion in the spine, treat the spinal discs, reduce muscle spasm and improve muscular strength.
Since each individual case of whiplash is different, it is not possible to generalize about the chiropractic whiplash treatment.
The suitable chiropractic treatment is unique to each whiplash injury and is directed at the primary dysfunctions detected during the chiropractic exam.
However, chiropractic doctors commonly employ different chiropractic treatments for whiplash, often including: 1.
Chiropractic Manipulation for Whiplash: The basic whiplash treatment for joint dysfunction, chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation involves the gentle movement or a short thrust of the injured joint into the direction in which it is restricted, done by a chiropractic doctor.
Muscle Relaxation or Stimulation as Whiplash Treatments: This chiropractic treatment technique involves gentle stretches to the muscle which has excessive tension or repeated contractions of the muscle that is inhibited.
Vigorous stretches may be applied if the muscle is very tight by the chiropractic doctor.
Various exercises for Whiplash: Different types of exercises, like McKenzie exercises and Stabilization/Sensorimotor exercises are employed as part of chiropractic care for treatment of whiplash injuries.
McKenzie exercises are purposely designed to reduce disc derangement related to a whiplash injury.
This involves simple movements which are thought initially by the chiropractic doctors but can be easily done as self-care at home.
Stabilization and sensorimotor exercise techniques are intended to correct flawed movement patterns in routine activities and everyday life.
This form of chiropractic treatment trains the nervous system to better coordinate and control movement patterns, and improves the ability of the neck muscles to retain stability of the neck.
Ergonomic and lifestyle changes: These whiplash treatment ideas stress improvements for performing daily activities with negligible strain to the body.
The chiropractic advice talks about factors in everyday work, home or recreational activities that bring about the dysfunctions which result from the whiplash accident.
Moreover, chiropractic professionals teach the patient about the better "use of self" and, if necessary, stress reduction methods to help chiropractic problems.
Whiplash treatment by chiropractic for each specific problem may include any of this approach or may involve some others as well.
The chiropractic doctor might also give a referral to other health professional, if required.
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