Health & Medical: Stop Your Sinus Migraine

Stop Your Sinus Migraine

Suffering from a sinus migraine? Here are some natural cures that have helped many people overcome it.

Health & Medical: Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of Spinal Stenosis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Is Your Lower Back, Neck, and Knee Pain All in Your Head?

Is Your Lower Back, Neck, and Knee Pain All in Your Head?

Actually, this statement is true; unfortunately it is misunderstood and misused by well-meaning healthcare professionals and friends when trying to understand a painful condition and why it won't go away. In order to truly understand pain it is important to recognize the role of the brain.

Health & Medical: Herniated Disc Pain - Finding A Cure

Herniated Disc Pain - Finding A Cure

Herniated disc refers to the protrusion of the disc.It is basically the same when one says of a bulging disc.This condition is painful.Its occurrence is manifested by a herniated disc pain that is usually felt on the back area.This condition is generally common on the lumbar area than on other areas

Health & Medical: Gas Pain Relief

Gas Pain Relief

Gas can be painful, bothersome, and sometimes embarrassing. What, when, and how you eat can affect gas build up. By changing your diet and lifestyle and taking medication you can reduce gas pain.

Health & Medical: Relief and Treatment For Sciatic Nerve Pain

Relief and Treatment For Sciatic Nerve Pain

Are you enduring constant back pain either on the lower part or upper part at some point of time? If you ever felt pain either in the buttock, lower back or your legs then there is a possibility that you might be experiencing sciatica.

Health & Medical: Headaches and Strokes

Headaches and Strokes

The relationship between headaches and strokes is a fairly complex one, but a connection that is worth exploring. Experiencing “the worst headache of your life” is one reason a patient should call his or her physician right away. Why can a severe headache be dangerous? What does it signi

Health & Medical: Avoid Stiff Neck Pain - Eliminate Stress In Your Life

Avoid Stiff Neck Pain - Eliminate Stress In Your Life

The life of people today is very busy, a lot of them have a very hectic schedule and accompanying that kind of lifestyle is stress. Then because of stress a lot of people suffer from stiff neck pain which makes it hard to concentrate at work. When you have a stiff neck pain it almost lasts for almos

Health & Medical: Sciatica Stretches

Sciatica Stretches

Sciatica stretches can consist of exercises to loosen muscles in the buttock area that can cause sciatic nerve compression and/or mimic the symptoms of it, they may be used to reduce disc bulging in the lumbar spine, or they may be used for the purpose of relieving soft tissue adhesions around the n

Health & Medical: Cure Back Pain and Remain Pain Free Forever

Cure Back Pain and Remain Pain Free Forever

If you could cure back pain today what difference would it make to your life? Finally there is a solution that gets to the cause of the pain. Not just one that alleviates the pain, but one that stops the pain and addresses the underlying causes.

Health & Medical: Diet For Gout Patients - End the Gout Pain Now!

Diet For Gout Patients - End the Gout Pain Now!

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by high levels of purines in the body that crystallize and settle into the smaller joints of the hands and feet. The purines come mostly from foods high in protein and most of the foods that cause gout are from seafood and animals. If you are predisposed to gout or

Health & Medical: Glucosamine and Chondroitin For Back Pain

Glucosamine and Chondroitin For Back Pain

Glucosamine and chondroitin are two very popular supplements often used to relieve pain and improve arthritis. This article explains what these two compounds really are and how they can be used to reduce back pain.

Health & Medical: 3 Lifestyle Problems That Cause Back Pain

3 Lifestyle Problems That Cause Back Pain

Simple things you do every day may actually be causing your back pain. Here I'll explain how small and simple things that you may already be doing could be causing back pain.

Health & Medical: Amazing Back Benefits of Teeter Hangups

Amazing Back Benefits of Teeter Hangups

One company has stood head and shoulders above all in the manufacturing of back inversion tables - Teeter Hang-ups. The company is named after its founder, Roger Teeter, who suffered from chronic back pain and have rounded all blocks searching for a cure. After trips to the usual medical doctors, ch

Health & Medical: Jellyfish Stings and the Remedy to Ease the Pain

Jellyfish Stings and the Remedy to Ease the Pain

Jellyfish stings are very painful and can sometimes be very deadly depending on the kind of jellyfish that delivers the sting. More than 500,000 people are stung by jellyfish per year, according to a foundation study. For the most part jellyfish stings are mostly painful; however, there are some sti

Health & Medical: Tips and Exercises For Low Back Pain Sufferer

Tips and Exercises For Low Back Pain Sufferer

Can exercises for low back pain really help you get rid of the pain? Having low back pain is becoming more and more of a problem now days especially for people who tend to slouch. This type of back pain is more frequent for people who work forty hours a week at desk because most of these people tend

Health & Medical: How to Get Rid of Rosy Cheeks Without Makeup

How to Get Rid of Rosy Cheeks Without Makeup

Rosy cheeks can give you a healthy glow, but when your cheeks are a little too red, or you suffer from rosacea, you may wish to start toning down the redness. Rosy cheeks draw attention to the face. And while makeup is an effective solution for concealing rosy cheeks, not everybody wants to cake on