Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Amazing Back Benefits of Teeter Hangups

One company has stood head and shoulders above all in the manufacturing of back inversion tables - Teeter Hang-ups.
The company is named after its founder, Roger Teeter, who suffered from chronic back pain and have rounded all blocks searching for a cure.
After trips to the usual medical doctors, chiropractors and masseuse, he discovered a fast-emerging answer to chronic back pain - inversion therapy and established his own company, Teeter Hangups.
Inversion therapy involves assuming an inverted or upside down position as a means to alleviate the symptoms of chronic back pain and also as treatment for herniated disk.
To understand the effect of inversion, you must understand the negative effect of gravity on the usual upright position that we humans assume.
In the upright position, the force of gravity pulls our bodies from the head down to the feet.
It doesn't matter if you are standing, sitting, or even lying down, gravity acts in the long run to compress the spine, misalign your back and pinch nerves and discs.
Compounded with lack of exercise, obesity and aging, chronic back pain is sure to ensue.
Roger Teeter of Teeter Hangups discovered this principle in the early 1980's when the development of back inversion tables was just starting.
He started doing inversion therapy and got the answer he has long been looking for for his back pain.
Later, he vigorously published the efficacy of inversion therapy to cure back pain to his family and friends.
His personal success with back inversion consumed him with a passion to build his own line of back inversion tables.
This gave birth to his brainchild - the Teeter Hangups company.
As a former engineer at Boeing, he wants no less than precision, durability and safety in his products, the kind which he would not be ashamed to attach his name to.
Since 1981 to the present, Teeter Hangups has blazed a glorious trail in the thriving industry of back inversion tables.
Teeter Hangups has a wide range of back inversion tables which are either manual or motorized, with or without accessories, cheap or expensive.
All have conformed to the Underwriters' Laboratories or UL standard, a fact which other brands of back inversion tables do not have.
Teeter Hangups has a continual consultation with sports trainers, chiropractors and clients to maintain the quality of and continuously upgrade their products.
It also helps that the Teeter Hangups company maintains an excellent website where one can see vivid pictures and product descriptions of their lifegear inversion tables, a discussion on back inversion therapy, product reviews and comments by satisfied clients and a body map tool to guide users into choosing the right back inversion product.
Teeter Hangups products come with a 5-year warranty and will give a 100% refund on items returned by unsatisfied customers within 30 days after purchase.
It provides product literature, shipping tracker and store locators as part of their consumer service.
Clearly, Teeter Hangups is not some fly-by-night solely-profit-driven company.
It is borne out of the personal success story of its founder and a commitment to safety, quality and comfort.
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