Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Looking For Joint Pain Relief? Ask Yourself These 3 Important Questions

If you are reading this article, obviously you or a loved one is suffering from the debilitating effects of joint pain.
You have probably been doing some research and are coming up with "a lot of nothing" for concrete information.
There is an immense amount of information to be had, but not all of it is necessarily helpful.
Much vague or general information is used to take up space.
By the time you spend several hours looking, it tends to be discouraging to say the least! Question #1 How familiar am I with the drugs my Dr.
prescribed to me.
We are at the mercy of the physicians and drug companies that promise wonderful results but often times don't mention the terrible and uncomfortable side effects of the drugs they recommend.
Make sure you take the time to read the cautions and side effects that come on the print-out that your pharmacy provides with your prescription.
Most all provide them, but on the off chance that they do not, be sure to ask for them.
If you are uncertain as to the meaning of some of the terms, there is a good website that is user friendly and has a pill identifier that shows you a picture of the pill.
) All meds are alphabetized and detailed descriptions are given.
If you are not taking a prescribed drug but rather an Over-the-counter drug, be very careful to read the labels for warnings.
These can be very harmful if taken in the wrong dosage.
Taken too often or for too long can be damaging and some times addictive.
Know what you are putting in your body! The effects of most drugs, especially if they are taken long term, can be devastating to other body systems.
Question #2 What can I do if I find the side effects of my drugs are severe? Ask your Dr.
if he/she is aware of anything you can do to to make yourself less dependent on the meds.
Exercise, diet and state of mind have a huge effect on your body.
There are many different avenues that can be safely traveled to help yourself be healthier,happier and more comfortable.
It does not matter what age you are.
Never give into the discomfort and believe that you have to live in constant pain.
The only requirement is to be open to new ideas and different ways and you will be successful in finding a healthy way to ease and even eliminate your joint pain.
Question #3 What are some safe alternatives to Superscription and Over-the-Counter drugs that I can use? I will give you a short list of body beneficial herbs, supplements and foods that I know will be worth your time to consider and try.
  • Herbs-Cayenne (Capsicum): Anti-inflammatory, sold in capsule form
Aloe Vera: gel from inside of leaf can be taken by the Tbsp.
to reduce internal inflammation
  • Supplements- Vitamin D, try to get out-side and absorb natural sun light without sun screen for 10-20 minutes a day.
    Added bonus of the rejuvenating effects on the mind and mood of the fresh air!
CoQ10 (Co enzyme Q10)-Powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Food- Tart cherries- may be better that aspirin on inflammation, arthritis and gout.
    Eat 20 cherries a day or a couple of Tbsp.
    of cherry concentrate (R.
    Knudsen is an excellent brand)in water, 3 times a day.
Fish- Wild Atlantic Red Salmon, Anchovies, Sardines Meat- organic, grass fed beef Veggies-(organic when possible) dark green or red lettuce, kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower (just to name a few)
  • Tip- Remember drink lots of clean pure well water or bottled spring water, or invest in a water filter for your town/city water.
    It is definitely worth the money when compared to the health benefits.
I hope this has been helpful to you and your loved ones.
Wishing health for you today and tomorrow, Jodi Labonte
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