Health & Medical Pain Diseases

I Have a Migraine Headache

I've been around several people that use the word Migraine, when they talk about having a headeache.
Do these people actually have migraines? What is a migraine, and are there ways to relieve them? These are some of the questions I will answer.
The word "migraine" comes from the Greek word "hemikranion" which translates to "pain affectin one side of the head".
A Migraine is a headache in a form, that is usually very strong and can almost be disabling, when intense.
Unlike commong headache's which everyone is prone to, migraines are a neurologic disease, and the most common type of vascular headache.
Although everyone individual affected by migraines will characterize the symptoms differently, the book says: severe pain on one or more sides of the head, an upset stomach, and at times disturbed vision.
The difference between a headache and migraine is summed up in the word "Aura", which refers to the migraine features that are non-headache like.
Migraines have been present throughout history, and it is known that family history and genetic factors are important in the likelihood of migraines.
Many doctors deal with migraines, and will have several recommended treatment for migraines.
It is in my experience that over the counter pain killers, and other drugs have their part in reducing the pain migraines cause, but are never actually able to cure them.
Along with these drugs come several unfriendly side-effects, which are not enjoyable to say the least.
Of course these side effects and effectiveness of the drugs are different on an invidual basis.
The treatment that I have seen to be the most effective is the use of Chinese medicine, in particular accupuncture.
Accupuncture is a natural medicine in that you are not injecting any drugs or anything inside of your body.
You are simply just working with what is already there.
Talk to your physician, and others that have experienced migraines, to find out what steps might be right for you.
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