Health & Medical: Rules on Protein and Muscle Growth

Rules on Protein and Muscle Growth

In this article you will know the rules on protein and muscle growth. The argument from bodybuilders about the daily protein requirement and from the RDA daily protein requirement.

Health & Medical: How to Get Abs As Quickly As Possible

How to Get Abs As Quickly As Possible

So you are looking how to get abs as quick as possible? What if I told you that you already have 6 pack abs. Who said that I am crazy? No, I am serious. Everybody in the world has 6 pack abs, take a look out the window. Even that fat guy has it. However there is one problem. We can't see our ab

Health & Medical: How Do I Get A Ripped Body If I'm A Hardgainer?

How Do I Get A Ripped Body If I'm A Hardgainer?

If you're reading this article, chances are you are a skinny guy who's had a very difficult time trying to gain muscle.You may have worked hard in the gym lifting weights until you were exhausted.You may have tried your best to increase your calories and protein as much as possible to forc

Health & Medical: How To Select The Best Bodybuilding Supplement

How To Select The Best Bodybuilding Supplement

Bodybuilders are always in search of the best bodybuilding supplement. It's commonly known that athletes have often used substances to try to increase their performance. It's the same with bodybuilding, because bodybuilders are trying to achieve minimal body fat and the highest possible mu

Health & Medical: Fundamental Guide to Upper Ab Workout

Fundamental Guide to Upper Ab Workout

The fundamental guide to an upper ab workout is first of all having a plan. A short term goal and a long term goal. It doesn't matter how much you want to loss around your midsection, the most important thing is to start and stick to your plan and know what you want to accomplish.

Health & Medical: Turning Muscle Building Conventional Wisdom On Its Head

Turning Muscle Building Conventional Wisdom On Its Head

Rusty Moore takes muscle building conventional wisdom and turns it on its head by debunking the need for the Big 3. Of course, all bodybuilding and powerlifting purist know what the big 3 are - squat, deadlift, and bench press. These three exercise form the core of any workout routine recommended by

Health & Medical: Gaining Muscle Mass Easily

Gaining Muscle Mass Easily

Gaining muscle mass can be easy with the right elements applied.Here are two key elements for gaining muscle mass.

Health & Medical: Muscle Building Techniques That Work

Muscle Building Techniques That Work

This article is going to cover Muscle Building Techniques That Work. There are all sorts of different ways to build muscle, and which method you use to build muscle depends on what kind of muscle you are looking to build, whether it be lean muscle, bulky muscle or something in between. I will cover

Health & Medical: Blast Your Bicep Muscles With Circuit Training

Blast Your Bicep Muscles With Circuit Training

Circuits are a major way to force some size and shape into your biceps. If you have never done a circuit then you are missing a major part of bicep training. A major piece is missing from your training puzzle.

Health & Medical: Hardgainer 3 Day Split Routine for Size and Strength

Hardgainer 3 Day Split Routine for Size and Strength

As a hardgainer, we sometimes make the mistake of following exercise routines designed by and for bodybuilders. Because our body type is different, we should be taking a different approach in order to maximize our muscle building potential.

Health & Medical: 3 Muscle Building Workouts Without Expensive Equipment

3 Muscle Building Workouts Without Expensive Equipment

Having a perfect body can be expensive. You have to buy all these supplements, have a gym membership, buy special foods, and pay for training and special clothes. Perhaps this is what is stopping people from even getting started. But now it is time for no excuses. Here are 3 exercises you can do wit

Health & Medical: Pre-Workout Boosters: 3 Tricks to Hit the Gym Hard Every Time?

Pre-Workout Boosters: 3 Tricks to Hit the Gym Hard Every Time?

Do you need to know some excellent pre-workout boosters? Sometimes you just need that extra bump of motivation to get you to the gym in an adequate mood. This is totally understandable. Well here in this article you will find some helpful resources to get you ready for your exercise routines in a hu

Health & Medical: Is Natural Bodybuilding Really Possible?

Is Natural Bodybuilding Really Possible?

Many of the people that look at the extremely fit men and women that come out of the gym have some suspicions, at least on occasion that they may be doing something in order to enhance their muscles. Although they are typically thinking that this might be some type of steroid, the fact of the matter

Health & Medical: How To Gain Weight Fast - For Skinny Men

How To Gain Weight Fast - For Skinny Men

It can be aggravating to hear people refer to you as the skinny guy over there, and it most definitely cramps your style when you are zeroing in on an attractive young lade whom you are attracted to. You are shy because of your skinny frame and cannot work up the temerity to make a move in attractin

Health & Medical: Top 4 Diet Tips For Natural Muscle Building

Top 4 Diet Tips For Natural Muscle Building

Controlling your diet is as important as your exercises. Keep proper proportions of carbs, protein and fat but cut on sugary and fatty foods. Don't starve yourself as to burn calorie you need calorie so no skipping of meals. How much food you need depends on daily activity level.

Health & Medical: Alpha Dogmacising Our Personal Pack: Strength From Strength

Alpha Dogmacising Our Personal Pack: Strength From Strength

I think one of the many incidental fallouts from social media is a slipping grasp on analyzing our own behavior and we have become even more enslaved by the opinion of others. Allowing others to exert such influence & control on our concept of ourselves is dangerous and can be emotionally debilitati

Health & Medical: Do All of the Muscle Building Techniques Work For Everyone?

Do All of the Muscle Building Techniques Work For Everyone?

In place of noticing what works for other people do the research and find what works for you. Once you accomplish this you will start seeing your goals being attained. Remember that a large range of exercises and lifts you can use in your training routine for every muscle in your body.

Health & Medical: Proper Weight Training Techniques

Proper Weight Training Techniques

If you want to bulk up, you have to follow a great workout program.This will make sure you are getting the most out of each minute you spend in the gym.