Health & Medical: Can You Really Build Muscle and Burn Fat At The Same Time?

Can You Really Build Muscle and Burn Fat At The Same Time?

Can you really build muscle and burn fat at the same time? Or is that just reserved for the drug boys and girls? I know, I know, all those amazing before and after pics in the ads, right? But how real are they?

Health & Medical: Are You Building "Fake" Muscle?

Are You Building "Fake" Muscle?

Is it possible that the exercises you are currently performing are building "fake muscle?" If you train like 99% of most gym rats, there is a distinct possibility that you are wasting your time on one or more "fruit-less" exercises. Here's what I mean...

Health & Medical: Fat Loss For Men - Build Those Abs!

Fat Loss For Men - Build Those Abs!

Gentleman, do you want to combine your fat loss program with getting that sexy washing board tummy? Well the good news is you can! There are however many myths surrounding fat loss and a super flat stomach and you can't have the latter if you ignore the former.

Health & Medical: Review - Truth About Muscle Gain By Sean Nalewanyj

Review - Truth About Muscle Gain By Sean Nalewanyj

One of the most popular body building programs on the Internet is Muscle Gain Truth by Sean Nalewanyj. You want to be sure that this is a legitimate program and not a scam. You may have other questions, such as who is Sean Nalewanyj and what is the truth about muscle gain?

Health & Medical: Muscle Function 101: Moving the Iron

Muscle Function 101: Moving the Iron

Achieving the best bodybuilding shape isn't one of your options - it is your ONLY option. It's time to get your muscles swollen, your body fat burned, and your strength levels through the roof. Let's nail down muscle function once and for all - and add some muscle!

Health & Medical: Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein Review - Is It Really That Good?

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein Review - Is It Really That Good?

Whey as you may not know is the liquid obtained after milk has been curdled and strained. Most people actually dispose off curdled milk but what they do not know is that it has health benefits and it is used in the production of cheese and supplements especially for body builders. Whey protein is a

Health & Medical: # 1 Bench Press Mistake

# 1 Bench Press Mistake

Have You Ever Wondered Why People Are So Obsessed With The Bench Press? I used to ask myself, what's the big deal with it anyway? It didn't matter if it was at school with my friends... at work with my co-workers... or at the gym with my lifting buddies... everyone would always ask me, &qu

Health & Medical: Is Muscle Milk Good for You?

Is Muscle Milk Good for You?

This is question has been asked many times in online forums and probably in gymnasiums around the world. With so many products out there and claims of the results they promise, you have to be sure when it comes to supplements that what you take isn't going to harm you.

Health & Medical: Can You Build Muscle When You're 64?

Can You Build Muscle When You're 64?

Back...way back in the early 1970's...I met a guy who had been the welterweight boxing champion of the world for a few years, back in the mid 1940's. I was in my twenties and he was in his sixties. He was a very engaging gentleman and he challenged me to a game of chess, which turned into

Health & Medical: 5 Tips to Lose Fat - Gain Muscle at the Same Time

5 Tips to Lose Fat - Gain Muscle at the Same Time

If you are trying to lose fat, gain muscle at the same time, you already know how difficult it is to achieve these two goals. For fat loss to occur you need to consume fewer calories and to build muscle you need to eat more calories than you burn. So it is impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at t

Health & Medical: Legal Steroids For Muscle Building

Legal Steroids For Muscle Building

Taking steroids for muscle building has become almost a fashion. Every next person found of bodybuilding prefers to rely on steroids. These steroids are over the counter products easily available in the market.

Health & Medical: If You Want Big, Muscular Arms You Need Protein and Positive Nitrogen Balance

If You Want Big, Muscular Arms You Need Protein and Positive Nitrogen Balance

When it comes to building big, muscular arms, protein absorption is essential for muscle tissue synthesis.During weight training or other intense exercise, muscle tissue breaks down its protein constituents to provide additional energy during muscle contraction.This article explains how to avoid a n

Health & Medical: Bench Press Blunders

Bench Press Blunders

"Don't Let These 8 Mistakes Sabotage Your Bench"Did you know the average weight training enthusiast can barely bench press their own bodyweight? That statistic doesn't even account for the people that don't work out.

Health & Medical: 6 Mental Tricks For Fast Muscle Gains

6 Mental Tricks For Fast Muscle Gains

Fast muscle gains is quite difficult. If you're planning to see major strength improvements and fast muscle gains, you're going to have to work hard for this. A significant reason why most people fail at achieving the fast muscle gains they really want is because they aren't pushing t

Health & Medical: How To Gain Muscles QuicklySimply Use These 3 Tips

How To Gain Muscles QuicklySimply Use These 3 Tips

Do you have that infamous goal of being able to gain the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest time possible? This article provides you with the 3 keys to being able to maximize your time and efforts in the gym resulting in the greatest benefits to you.

Health & Medical: Six Pack Abs Fast - Ripped and Chiseled

Six Pack Abs Fast - Ripped and Chiseled

Getting a ripped and chiseled body is every man's dream. If you are determined and want such a body, then read on to get that ripped and chiseled six pack.

Health & Medical: Building Muscle For Beginners - Pounds of it!

Building Muscle For Beginners - Pounds of it!

Ripped abs, bulging biceps, and a huge chest are all desirable in this day and age. So why should you be left out? Building muscle is easy if you understand the basics of how it's done.

Health & Medical: Six Pack Abs - The Three Basic Types of Exercises

Six Pack Abs - The Three Basic Types of Exercises

Having six pack abs is a mark of extreme fitness and dedication to staying fit and healthy. Not only do you need to be in great shape muscularly, but also you need to have low body fat. You can be in great aerobic shape, but without muscles, you won't have six pack abs - they are muscles after

Health & Medical: The Muscle Building Power of Singles Exposed!

The Muscle Building Power of Singles Exposed!

What have you heard about single rep training?Does the following sound familiar?"Singles are dangerous and a great way to get injured.""Singles are great for strength but don't build muscle.""Singles are for powerlifters, not bodybuilders, and definitelynot for 're