Health & Medical Body building

5 Tips to Lose Fat - Gain Muscle at the Same Time

If you are trying to lose fat, gain muscle at the same time, you already know how difficult it is to achieve these two goals.
For fat loss to occur you need to consume fewer calories and to build muscle you need to eat more calories than you burn.
So it is impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the exact moment in time, but you can surely achieve these two goals over a one month time frame.
So here are five powerful diet tips for you to achieve your fat loss and muscle building goals.
First let start with the basics, the calories.
As I have already said losing fat and gaining muscle occurs with the amount of calories you eat.
If your goals is to burn fat and get lean I suggest you to lower your calories.
You need to find your daily calorie maintenance level and should eat fewer calories than that.
You can use Harris Benedict formula to find your maintenance level.
Likewise, if your goal is to gain muscle you need to eat more calories than you burn.
You can use Harris Benedict formula here also to find your maintenance and consume more calories than you burn.
Now we have talked about the calories, but are all calories the same, no not at all.
You need to get calories from quality food sources and not any calories from ice creams, fried foods etc.
These calories will only helps you to gain fat and not muscle.
So it is very vital to choose the right foods which are low in glycemic index and saturated fats.
Many people tend to avoid carbohydrates when they are trying to lose fat.
But you should need to only avoid the ones that are high in glycemic index like white bread, white rice products, sweets etc.
It is very important to include complex carbs like brown rice, oats etc in your diet.
Also try to eat most of your carbs in post workout and breakfast, to accelerate fat loss.
Proteins are very critical in your daily diet even if your goal is to lose fat or gain muscle.
Try to get at least 1 g protein per pound bodyweight from high quality sources like egg whites, chicken breasts, protein shakes etc.
Another important nutrient that most people neglects are the fats.
There are many misconception about fats.
But unsaturated fats also known as "good fats" are very essential for your health.
Studies have shown that they even helps in fat loss.
Some good sources of fats you need to consider are extra virgin olive oil, flax seed oil, fish oil, nuts etc.
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