Health & Medical Body building

The Muscle Building Power of Singles Exposed!

What have you heard about single rep training? Does the following sound familiar? "Singles are dangerous and a great way to get injured.
" "Singles are great for strength but don't build muscle.
" "Singles are for powerlifters, not bodybuilders, and definitely not for 'regular' weight trainers trying to build some muscle and burn some fat.
" What if I told you that none of this is true?Okay, singles are great for strength and powerlifters must use them for obvious reasons, but they can be done safely, they can build lots of muscle mass and even 'regular' weight lifters can benefit from the muscle building power of single rep training.
If singles could build lots of muscle mass as well as strength, would you be interested?Then read on! First, if you haven't done heavy single rep training in awhile, you really need to break into a single rep training routine.
You can't jump from 8 to 12 reps sets right to singles.
Your body is not prepared for it.
You definitely need an initial break in routine.
You'll want to hit your weight lifting workouts on three nonconsecutive days per week, such as Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Don't miss workouts.
Get plenty of muscle building protein.
Eat at least 6 meals per day.
Sleep at least 8 hours a night.
You need to transition into heavy singles.
First, switch from whatever routine you're currently using to one utilizing the 5x5 training system.
In the 5x5 system, you perform two warm up sets and three work sets for 5 reps each.
For example, let's say you can bench press 200 pounds for 5 reps.
Do two warm up sets of 135 x 5 and 160 x 5.
Then do three sets of 5 reps with 190 pounds.
When you can complete all three sets of 5 reps with 190 add 5 pounds to all your sets so it would be 140, 165, 195.
Work up to completing all three sets of 5 with 195.
Stay on the 5x5 system for about four or five months.
After this amount of time on the 5x5 weight lifting program, switch over to the 5/4/3/2/1 trainng system.
In this system you perform two or three warm up sets with 5 reps.
Then add some weight for your first working set of 5 reps.
Add a little weight and do four reps.
Add some more weight for 3 reps, then 2 and then 1.
Stay on the 5/4/3/2/1 system for another four or five months and then get ready to tackle a weight training routine of singles and singles only.
I know you're shaking your head and wondering why you need to weight train for over half a year before using the singles system.
Trust me, you need to get your body ready for such heavy weight.
Besides, both the 5x5 and the 5/4/3/2/1 weight training systems are extremely effective in their own right for building muscle mass and getting stronger.
If you've been doing a lot of high rep pumping sets, you'll be pleasantly surprised with your results.
Keep in mind that exercise selection is extremely important.
The big, basic compound movements like squats, deadlift, bench press, shoulder press, etc.
need to be the foundation of your routine.
Once you've done all this you are ready for some serious strength and muscle building with singles.
Start off using three or four heavier warm up sets of 1 to 5 reps each.
Then grab 70% of your one rep max and do a single.
Bump up the weight to 80% and do another single.
Finally go with 90% of your one rep max for a final single.
That's it.
Try adding 1 to 2 pounds per week until you go past your former max.
Then you'll be in a position of training for the next few months using maximum weights on your final single almost every training session.
To really get the most out of a singles program like this you need to stay on the program for a long time and really work it.
If you're stuck with your current poundages and you haven't added any new muscle mass in awhile, consider giving this singles program a serious effort for the next year at least and see if you don't transform over that time with lots of new muscle mass and strength as well.
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