Health & Medical Body building

It Just Won"t Happen - Gaining Muscle and Building Fat at the Same Time

It is virtually impossible to build muscle and lose fat in tandem.
No one who understands how the muscle building process works will disagree with me unless they are trying to sell you something.
Allow me to explain this process.
Muscle growth results from protein synthesis, a process that requires a surplus of calories beyond your basic sustenance.
This excess has to be obtained by eating more calories than you need.
The thing is, the protein synthesis process cannot make use of all the excess calories you consume and some invariably end up as fat.
When you train with weights and eat an amount of food the results in caloric excess you therefore gain some muscle and some fat.
You can reduce the amount of fat gained by being selective in your food choices but you cannot eliminate it entirely while gaining muscle.
Reserve this for the trimming phase after you have bulked up sufficiently.
The good news is that as you add muscle mass, your basal metabolic rate aka BMR also increases.
The basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories one burns while at rest.
This increase in BMR results in you burning more fat over time.
After you have built the desired amount of muscle mass you may now trim down the fat through cardio.
Reducing your food intake and doing cardio forces your system to burn fat for energy.
the absence of the 'caloric excess' described earlier and increased demand for energy (caused by exertion through cardio) results in fat burn.
Your other concern during this phase is protecting the muscle tissue you worked so hard to build.
You can do this by making sure that your cardio exercises are not too taxing on the body i.
Don't let the body have to break down muscle for energy.
My personal preference is about 20 minutes of medium intensity work on the treadmill or Stairmaster every other day.
Also don't stop training with weights but keep this at the maintenance level.
Something that might help is a supplement known as a catalyst.
Taken about fifteen minutes before your cardio it protects muscle tissue during strenuous physical activity.
In short, to get the muscular and lean perfectly sculpted body first bulk up and only then burn fat.
These tips below will ensure your success.
Consume just enough surplus calories Don't go overboard in calorie consumption.
It takes roughly twenty percent more calories than your need for weight maintenance.
Pay attention to your diet.
Eat mainly natural foods that have high fiber carbohydrate (brown rice, wheat bread, oatmeal), unsaturated fats, and lean, high quality proteins.
Avoid junk food for the most part but have a day of indulgence ever week where you can eat whatever you please.
This is key to making your diet sustainable.
If you deprive yourself too much you will not succeed.
Perform a little cardio during bulk up phase Do some light cardio exercises even during the mass building phase.
I suggest twice a week for no more than twenty minutes.
This further reduces the amount of fat you pack on.
In ending, repeat after me again.
You cannot gain muscle and burn fat at the same time.
Follow the process detailed above and you will get an incredible physique! Found this useful? Claim your FREE Muscle Building course (while still available) by following the link below.
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