- 1). Determine why you want to end the relationship. Before ending a short term relationship, you should think about the exact reasons why you want to leave your partner. For example, maybe you want to end the relationship because you feel that the two of you are not compatible. Or perhaps your partner has lied to you or deceived you in some kind of way and you have decided to leave him.
- 2). Confirm that this is something you really want to do. Take time to think about the entire situation and what you are giving up. Make sure that you are truly ready to leave this person and end this relationship. Always remember that you do not have to rush and make a decision overnight (unless your life is in danger).
- 3). Decide how you want to end the relationship. Some people prefer to end their short term relationship in person, while others may end the relationship over the phone. If possible, avoid breaking up with your partner with a letter or email. It is better to have some type of interaction with her when you do decide to end the relationship. This gives you a chance to ask each other questions and have some closure before going your separate ways.
- 4). Choose an appropriate place to meet with your partner. Be sure to select a place that is private, with no distractions or interruptions. Also, make sure that the place is a safe location where you feel comfortable talking to your partner.
- 5). Meet with your partner to discuss the break up. Explain to him why you want to end the relationship and be honest with your partner why you are leaving him. Try to stay calm as you talk to your partner and give him a chance to ask you questions. Do not allow your partner to persuade you to remain in a relationship with him, once you have made up your mind to go.
- 6). End things on a good note. Try to settle any unresolved issues or concerns that you had with your partner. You may even choose to remain friends with her (especially if you work together or live in the same neighborhood). So, be sure to discuss your options with your partner and do not leave there angry or upset.