Earlier this week, I was able to bring my love of Salsa and my mega-crush on New York City together for an evening.
(~happydance~) BUT - as "the dream queen" there's something really important about this, that in all honesty, is not easy for me to admit.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I'll share with you that...
despite how much my energy is FED by dancing, and despite how much pure DELIGHT I feel when I'm dancing, ...
I only recently started DOING it! You see, I put it off (for years!) with the aid of some SUPER-DUPER UBER-CONVINCING excuses.
And again, while it's humbling, I want to pull back the curtain and introduce you to some of MY most persuasive excuses.
It's the voice of what I like to call "the Inner Naysayer", in this case my Inner Naysayer...
the antithesis and saboteur of all do-what-you-love logic.
So without further adieu...
The nonsense that I allowed to successfully EXCUSIFY (yes, I made that word up) and DELAY the realization of doing what makes my heart sing, soar - and, of course, dance: I'm too busy (ya know, running my biz, getting through grad school, walking my dog, etc, etc...
) I shouldn't spend the money.
It'd be frivolous.
(There always seemed to be something "more important" to spend money on than salsa lessons.
) This one was a BIGGIE: No one in my life wanted to join me.
My tricky Inner Naysayer also regularly said, "If you start, Tara, you're going to love it so much, nothing else will get done.
" (Quite the leap in logic, eh?) And, when I let my Inner Naysayer have the mic for too long, it would also go into great detail, painting me a picture of all the worst-case-scenario consequences that would inevitably happen as a result of "nothing else getting done.
" And this drama-filled saga somehow always ended in "...
and then, you'll be homeless.
" (Cuz, really, everyone knows that learning Salsa is the gateway to homelessness!):-) Here's another doozy: I waited too long (a.
I'm too old) to learn something new.
My Inner Naysayer would say, "The good dancers are the ones that started young.
" Since I never took dance lessons as a kid, who was I to start learning now, at almost 40! "It's just too late for you.
" And, THIS one was an extension of my "it's too late for me" story: "I'll look ridiculous trying.
I'll trip over my own feet.
I'll get dizzy and fall down.
People will laugh.
Or worse, people will whisper or think quietly to themselves how foolish I look...
" and on and on...
and on...
Now, while it feels quite vulnerable to introduce you to my crafty Inner Naysayer, I know I'm not alone in being a Master of Excuses.
And thankfully, one fateful day this May, I finally mustered up the courage to take a class.
I set my fears, doubts, and questions aside, and I just showed up and did it.
I took the first step (and, miraculously, I didn't fall down).
I am telling you...
the joy-trajectory on my life has increased in a way that can only be described as EXPONENTIAL! I now dance a minimum of twice a week (and more and more frequently, up to four times a week) - and I'm not homeless yet! So now it's YOUR turn...
Really consider for yourself: What's YOUR Salsa? Imagine for yourself - how might your joy-factor increase if you were living it NOW? Are you ready to join me in bringing an END to all the excuses? (I know you are...
) That's why you're invited to take this powerful, dream-propelling next step (my GIFT to you)...
It's as easy as 1-2-3.
First come, first served...
so respond right away before your Inner Naysayer successfully excusifies THIS opportunity too, ok? Here's to the dance of life!
(~happydance~) BUT - as "the dream queen" there's something really important about this, that in all honesty, is not easy for me to admit.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I'll share with you that...
despite how much my energy is FED by dancing, and despite how much pure DELIGHT I feel when I'm dancing, ...
I only recently started DOING it! You see, I put it off (for years!) with the aid of some SUPER-DUPER UBER-CONVINCING excuses.
And again, while it's humbling, I want to pull back the curtain and introduce you to some of MY most persuasive excuses.
It's the voice of what I like to call "the Inner Naysayer", in this case my Inner Naysayer...
the antithesis and saboteur of all do-what-you-love logic.
So without further adieu...
The nonsense that I allowed to successfully EXCUSIFY (yes, I made that word up) and DELAY the realization of doing what makes my heart sing, soar - and, of course, dance: I'm too busy (ya know, running my biz, getting through grad school, walking my dog, etc, etc...
) I shouldn't spend the money.
It'd be frivolous.
(There always seemed to be something "more important" to spend money on than salsa lessons.
) This one was a BIGGIE: No one in my life wanted to join me.
My tricky Inner Naysayer also regularly said, "If you start, Tara, you're going to love it so much, nothing else will get done.
" (Quite the leap in logic, eh?) And, when I let my Inner Naysayer have the mic for too long, it would also go into great detail, painting me a picture of all the worst-case-scenario consequences that would inevitably happen as a result of "nothing else getting done.
" And this drama-filled saga somehow always ended in "...
and then, you'll be homeless.
" (Cuz, really, everyone knows that learning Salsa is the gateway to homelessness!):-) Here's another doozy: I waited too long (a.
I'm too old) to learn something new.
My Inner Naysayer would say, "The good dancers are the ones that started young.
" Since I never took dance lessons as a kid, who was I to start learning now, at almost 40! "It's just too late for you.
" And, THIS one was an extension of my "it's too late for me" story: "I'll look ridiculous trying.
I'll trip over my own feet.
I'll get dizzy and fall down.
People will laugh.
Or worse, people will whisper or think quietly to themselves how foolish I look...
" and on and on...
and on...
Now, while it feels quite vulnerable to introduce you to my crafty Inner Naysayer, I know I'm not alone in being a Master of Excuses.
And thankfully, one fateful day this May, I finally mustered up the courage to take a class.
I set my fears, doubts, and questions aside, and I just showed up and did it.
I took the first step (and, miraculously, I didn't fall down).
I am telling you...
the joy-trajectory on my life has increased in a way that can only be described as EXPONENTIAL! I now dance a minimum of twice a week (and more and more frequently, up to four times a week) - and I'm not homeless yet! So now it's YOUR turn...
Really consider for yourself: What's YOUR Salsa? Imagine for yourself - how might your joy-factor increase if you were living it NOW? Are you ready to join me in bringing an END to all the excuses? (I know you are...
) That's why you're invited to take this powerful, dream-propelling next step (my GIFT to you)...
It's as easy as 1-2-3.
First come, first served...
so respond right away before your Inner Naysayer successfully excusifies THIS opportunity too, ok? Here's to the dance of life!