How often have you personally said, or heard others proclaim that they were trying their hardest or doing their BEST? Yet, how can we personally give ourselves, on an individual basis, the necessary checkup from the neck up, that will permit us to be truly objectively introspective enough to realistically examine either our personal performance, or even measure our level of effort? No one can ever achieve to his personal optimal performance, unless he both knows, as well as understands, what he needs to do, to transform mere effort to his actual BEST! Will you make this a priority and refuse to settle for anything less than this worthwhile but often lofty goal? 1.
This process often begins with a focus on the 3 B's.
What do you wish to achieve, accomplish or do, and what will is the benefit that you are seeking? Do your actions act in sync with your personal beliefs, and does everything you do create a bonus of some sort, both for you, as well as for others you interact with? 2.
How much effort are you willing to drum up, and what precisely are your motivations? Are you empathetic in your proceedings, always paying attention to the feelings and needs of others you interact with? Is your goal to focus on expanding the comfort level of others, and achieving what needs to be done, while accepting no excuses? 3.
Do you have the strength of your convictions, with the inner fortitude and self - confidence necessary to permit you to take timely action, always avoidung the often easier tendency towards procrastination? Are you devoted to a never - ending quest for improvement, and do you strive to consistently do your best, regardless of any challenges thrown in your past? Do you support both those things/ objectives that you believe in, as well as back up those individuals who share tour perspective, integrity, and are consistently loyal to you? 4.
We must always strive for our best, never merely accepting being mediocre, average or good - enough! This means we must take on challenges, and testing our personal limits, expanding self - limiting comfort zones, and using all our efforts to try harder and do more and better! It's not enough to simply depend on some empty platitudes or rely on nice sounding empty rhetoric! It's easy to say that you want to do your best, but how do you really know what that means unless you focus on the necessary components and actions!
This process often begins with a focus on the 3 B's.
What do you wish to achieve, accomplish or do, and what will is the benefit that you are seeking? Do your actions act in sync with your personal beliefs, and does everything you do create a bonus of some sort, both for you, as well as for others you interact with? 2.
How much effort are you willing to drum up, and what precisely are your motivations? Are you empathetic in your proceedings, always paying attention to the feelings and needs of others you interact with? Is your goal to focus on expanding the comfort level of others, and achieving what needs to be done, while accepting no excuses? 3.
Do you have the strength of your convictions, with the inner fortitude and self - confidence necessary to permit you to take timely action, always avoidung the often easier tendency towards procrastination? Are you devoted to a never - ending quest for improvement, and do you strive to consistently do your best, regardless of any challenges thrown in your past? Do you support both those things/ objectives that you believe in, as well as back up those individuals who share tour perspective, integrity, and are consistently loyal to you? 4.
We must always strive for our best, never merely accepting being mediocre, average or good - enough! This means we must take on challenges, and testing our personal limits, expanding self - limiting comfort zones, and using all our efforts to try harder and do more and better! It's not enough to simply depend on some empty platitudes or rely on nice sounding empty rhetoric! It's easy to say that you want to do your best, but how do you really know what that means unless you focus on the necessary components and actions!